Osho Quotes
- If you want to be free, you will have to
start your first step in freedom. The last step can be of freedom
only if the first step has been taken in freedom. If the first step
was taken as a slave, your last step cannot be anything other than
slavery -- absolutely confirmed.
- Be ready to die in meditation. If you can
die in meditation, you will attain eternal life. You will become
- Remember one thing, the crowd has never
had the experience of truth.
Truth has only happened to individuals.
- Awareness brings freedom.
- Wisdom does not mean knowledge. Wisdom
means awareness, meditativeness, silence, watchfulness,
attentiveness. And out of that attentiveness, out of that silence,
flows compassion for beings.
- Misery is nothing but remaining ignorant
of one's own being. To be alert, to be conscious, of all that has
been given to you, to be conscious of all that has been bestowed
upon you, to be conscious of the treasures that are hidden in your
being, is to be blissful.
- When the master is alive he gives his life
to his devices. The moment he is gone, only dead formulas are left.
And people go on repeating those formulas for centuries. All those
formulas appear stupid later on. In the hands of the master they had
a golden touch; without the master, without the awakened one, they
are just empty exercises.
Remember it: that the great masters cannot be imitated. They are
unique and they should not be imitated.
- The whole Eastern methodology can be
reduced to one word: witnessing. And the whole Western methodology
can be be Reduced to one thing: analyzing. Analyzing, you go round
and round. Witnessing, you simply get out of the circle.
- Your mind has become a burden. You have
not been using it; rather, on the contrary, you are being used by
it. Don't allow the mind to interfere with your life, then there
will be a flow. Then you are unobstructed, then you are transparent,
then each moment is a bliss because you are not worried about it.
- Sannyas is not following me. Sannyas is
just being with me. Let the difference be absolutely clear to you.
Sannyas is not following me. Sannyas is just being with me, in my
presence. Sannyas is not imitating me. Sannyas is just to be with me
to follow your own destiny. I am here to help you to be yourself.
- Meditation is the awareness that "I am not
the mind." When the awareness goes deeper and deeper in you, slowly
slowly, a few moments arrive -- moments of silence, moments of pure
space, moments of transparency, moments when nothing stirs in you
and everything is still. In those still moments you will know who
you are, and you will know what the mystery of this existence is.
- Meditation is not a state of
concentration; it is not a state of mind at all. It is a state of
total mindlessness -- and not a state of sleep either. No mind, no
sleep; no mind, but total awareness. Out of that awareness you bring
a different quality to music, to painting, to poetry. And out of
that meditativeness you can bring a totally different quality to
science too. But before that can happen we will need large numbers
of meditative people around the earth.