Osho Quotes
- Make every moment a celebration; then you
will not need to search for God. God will try to search for you,
wherever you are.
- A man of Zen lives as ordinarily as you
live. But his ordinariness is not ordinary. His ordinariness has an
extra-ordinary quality in it: it radiates joy, celebration, it
radiates witnessing.
- In your witnessing you become orgasmic.
Orgasm then is not a momentary thing -- then it is your simple
nature. This is what ecstasy is.
- Listen to the message of freedom. Get
ready to be free. About everything that creates bondage you have to
be alert and beware.
- I teach you not only to celebrate life but
death too, because death is the climax of life, the crescendo. If
you have lived your life really you will celebrate your death too.
- Sex continues to be important to the very
end of life -- if you are not alert, if you are not transforming it.
And to die sexual is an ugly death. One should come to a point when
sex has been dropped far back.
- The functioning of the mind is to divide.
If you don't divide, the mind disappears. The mind needs division.
The mind creates opposites. The mind says, "I like you; I don't like
you. I love you; I hate you." The mind says, "This is beautiful;
that is ugly." The mind says, "This has to be done; that has to be
dropped." The mind is choice. Hence, Krishnamurti's insistence that
if you become choiceless you will become no-mind. To become
choiceless means to drop dividing the World.
- My approach is that of affirmation. I am
in love With life. It is fleeting, it is momentary -- but who says
that it is not momentary and it is not fleeting? Still you can love
it -- even more so because it is fleeting. You can pour all your
love. Tomorrow it may not be there. Go on loving, go on being as
much in celebration as possible, in all the ways possible.
- A problem is an opportunity to face
yourself, to go on a pilgrimage inside your being. A problem is a
door. Use it to enter into your own being. So this is my answer: a
problem is an opportunity to grow. A problem is a gift of God, a
challenge from the divine. Face it, find out ways how to transcend
it, how to go above it, and you will be tremendously benefited.
- Your innermost core is neither Christian
nor Hindu, your innermost core is neither white nor black, yom
innermost core is neither communist nor anticommunist. Your
innermost core remains absolutely aloof from the body and the mind.
It is higher than the body and higher than the mind. The mind cannot
touch it; the body cannot reach it.
- If you want not to be frustrated, drop
hope -- then there will be no frustration. And if you want really to
grow, never repress. Enjoy energy. Life is an energy phenomenon.
Enjoy energy -- dance, sing, swim, run -- let energy stream all over
you, let energy spread all over you. Let it be a flow. Once you are
in a flow, flowering becomes very easy.
- Remember, if someone else is the cause of
your suffering, you can never become free. Then there is no
liberation. But if you are the cause of your suffering, then
liberation is within your hands; you can do something and change it.
I tell you, you are the cause of your heaven and of your hell. If
you are in hell, you have chosen it to be so. And the moment you
decide, you can come out of it. No one is going to prevent you; no
one will say to you, "Do not go." The gates are not closed against
you. Really, there are no gates, and no devil is standing at the
door. You need not even have a passport to move out. It is simply
your decision to be there.