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   Osho Quotes
  1. The fool lives in time, the wise man lives in timelessness.
    The fool lives in mind, the wise man lives in no-mind.
  2. Every moment, everything is changing. And there is no permanent thing.
  3. Trust is the bridge between you and existence. Trust is the purest form of love, and once trust is lost, love also becomes impossible.
  4. To raise your consciousness, you will have to drop this ego and you will have to drop all this imagination and you will have to drop this mind which is playing tricks with you. Mind is so tricky and plays such games, so convincing to you. That's why the whole humanity goes on living in misery.
  5. Don't treat persons as a means, they are ends unto themselves. Relate to them -- in love, in respect. Never possess them and never be possessed by them. Don't be dependent on them and don't make persons around you dependent. Don't create dependence in any way; remain independent and let them remain independent.
  6. Meditation is a state of no-mind. Meditation means the mind has stopped. Just you are, pure consciousness, simple awareness; all the dimensions are available to you. So it is just the opposite of concentration.
  7. The dimension of the vertical is a totally different phenomenon: you jump out of mind. That's what meditation is all about: you get out of the mind, you get out of the past and the future, you get out of time. You are no more thinking, you are no more dreaming, you are no more desiring. There is no memory, no imagination. All is silent.
  8. My sannyas is not that of renunciation. You are not asked to renounce the world, you are only asked to renounce the mind. Live in the world and enjoy the world and be in it -- it is divine. Just drop this hankering for more. And suddenly this very earth is paradise and this very body the Buddha.
  9. All is perfectly okay. One needs to relax and enjoy; and in those moments of relaxation and joy, you will become aware of the precious treasure within you: the bliss pearl.
  10. Meditativeness is essential. To be silent, to be still, just to be alert, aware: that is the first step, the door into the essential. And once you have found in deep, profound since what you are meant to be, you have found your destiny. And then life has a sense of direction not imposed by others but discovered by yourself.
  11. This is the whole secret of enlightenment: it happens in relaxation, it happens in a deep state of rest. Surrender means relaxing. Ego means tension, carrying a load of anxiety, and unnecessarily.
  12. The ego is goal-oriented. The ego is hankering for the future. It can hanker even for the other life, it can hanker for heaven, it can hanker for nirvana. It doesn't matter what it hankers for -- hankering is what it is, desiring is what it is, projecting into the future is what it is.
  13. We can change the whole world, but not by struggle -- not this time. Enough is enough! We have to change this world by celebrating, by dancing, by singing, by music, by meditation, by love, not by struggle.
  14. I am not serious at all because existence is not serious. It is so playful, so full of song and so full of music and so full of subtle laughter. It has no purpose; it is not business-like. It is pure joy, sheer dance, out of overflowing energy.




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