Ramana Maharshi stories
Subrahmanya and Ganapathi - Going around the SelfIn the evening when some devotees were beginning Bhagavan asked him
why he was doing this. He replied, “I am afraid I cannot go
around the hill, so I have gone around Bhagavan.” “Go
around yourself That will be Atma pradakshina,” Bhagavan
said with smile. Seeing the fruit both Ganapathi and Subrahmanya
asked their Father, Parameswara for it. Then Iswara said that
He would give the fruit to whoever of them returned first after With self-confidence and pride that he would win the race, Subrahmanya started immediately riding on his favourite mount, the peacock. He began going at a fast pace, frequently looking behind to assure himself that his elder brother Ganapathi was not following. What could poor Ganapathi do, with his huge belly? His vahanam (mount) was after all a mouse. So he thought it was no use competing with
Subrahmanya in the race round the world, and went round
Parvati and Parameswara, bowed before them and claimed the reward. Pleased with his reply, Parameswara gave him the fruit and Ganapathi sat there eating it. By the time Subrahmanya finished going round the world in full confidence that he would be the winner, arriving at the starting point, he found Ganapathi seated before Parvati and Parameswara, eating the fruit. When he
asked Parameswara to give him the fruit for winning the
race, Iswara said, ‘There it is, your elder brother is eating it.’ The significance is that the ego which goes round like a whirlwind must get destroyed, and must get absorbed in Atma. That is Atma Pradakshina, said Bhagavan. |