Ramana Maharshi stories
Initiation in MantraA devotee asked, “Can anyone get any benefit by
repeating sacred syllables (mantras) picked up casually?” The minister said that it was the holiest of all, Gayatri. The king desired to be initiated by the minister but the minister confessed his inability to initiate him. Therefore the king learned it from someone else, and meeting the minister later he repeated the Gayatri and wanted to know if it was right. The minister said that the mantra was correct, but it was not The king flew into a rage and ordered the same man to hold the minister, and it was immediately done. The minister laughed and said that the incident was the explanation required by the king. “How?” asked
the king. The minister replied, “The order was the same and
the executor also, but the authority was different. When I
ordered, the effect was nil whereas, when you ordered, there
was immediate effect. Similarly with mantras.” Earnestness or Faith (Sraddha)A devotee obtained a copy of Sri Bhagavan’s work Ulladu Narpadu (Forty Verses on Reality) and began to write out the entire work for himself. Seeing him doing this writing with earnestness, though with a certain amount of difficulty and strain, since the devotee was not accustomed to squatting and doing continuous writing work, Bhagavan told the story of a sannyasi and his disciples to illustrate what is called sraddha – earnestness of purpose. There was once a guru who had eight disciples. One day he instructed them all to make a copy of his teachings from a notebook he had kept. One of them, who had lived an easy-going life before renouncing the world, could not make a copy for himself. He, therefore paid a couple of rupees to a fellow disciple and Since this had not been exhibited by the disciple who
had entrusted his own labour to another, he was disqualified from |