Sati Devi
Saint Kabir
Saint Appar
Parvati's Test
Saint Tukaram
Brahma's Pride
Silent Upadesa
Siddhas' Lesson
Gautam Buddha
Brahmin's Curse
King Bhagiratha
Enter the Heart
Bhakta Ekanath
Fire of Devotion
Kaduveli Siddhar
Lord Jagannatha
Jnani and Siddha
Universal Equality
Jnana Sambandar
Greatness of Japa
Initiation in Mantra
Headship of a Mutt
Kamal, Son of Kabir
- Story of Garlic Plant
Sadhu and 3 Stones
Brahma, The Creator
Swami is Everywhere
Sundaramurthi's Bond
Sage Ribhu & Nidagha
King and His Ministers
Story of Tiruvachakam
Daittatreya Gurus
Sambandhar and Appar
Gautama Muni & Ahalya
Moksha of a Thorn Bush
Charm of Self
Characteristics of a Jnani
Sage Ashtavakra & Janak
Namdev & Saint Jnaneswar
Pilgrimage to SriArunachala
The Sadhu and The Three Stones
In 1949 the inauguration of Mother’s Temple took place,
and the dedicated labour of ten years was consecrated in Sri
Bhagavan’s presence. In front of the Matrubhuteswara Shrine,
the Jubilee Hall was built to accommodate the ever-increasing
number of devotees.
A large granite couch was installed with
elaborate carvings, spread with a silken mattress for Bhagavan’s
comfort. As a big pillow was placed on one side for Bhagavan to
keep his arms, another behind him to lean against and a third
one at his feet, the actual seating space was considerably reduced.
One day when Suri Nagamma entered the hall Sri Bhagavan
said, looking at his attendants, “See how this mattress slips from
one side to another! People think that it will be comfortable for
Bhagavan if there is a costly mattress. It is, however, not possible
to sit on this restfully. Why this? It would be much more
comfortable if I sat on the stone seat itself.
As told in the story
about the sadhu, people think that Swami is undergoing great
hardship when he lives in a thatched shed and lies on a stone
bench, and so they make a fuss. It will perhaps be better if, like
that sadhu in the story, I gather some stones similar to those I
had in the Virupaksha Cave, take them to whichever place I
go, and spread them on a mattress like this.”
A devotee asked, “What is that story of the sadhu which
Bhagavan has now mentioned?” Whereupon Bhagavan
began relating the following story.
A Great Mahatma was living as a sadhu under a tree in a
forest. He always used to keep with him three stones. While sleeping, he
used to keep one of them under the head, another
under the waist and the third under the legs and cover himself
with a sheet. When it rained, the body used to be on the stones
and so the water would flow underneath, and the water that fell
on the sheet too, would flow down.
So there was no disturbance
to his sleep; he used to sleep soundly. When sitting, he used to
keep the three stones together like a hearth and sit upon them
comfortably. Hence snakes and other reptiles did not trouble
him nor did he trouble them, for they used to crawl through the
slits under the stones.
Somebody used to bring him food and he
would eat it. And so, there was nothing for him to worry about.
A king, who came to that forest for hunting, saw this sadhu
and felt, ‘What a pity! How much must he be suffering by having
to adjust his body suitably to those stones and sleep thereon.
I will
take him home and keep him with me for at least one or two days
and make him feel comfortable’. So thinking, he went home and
sent two of his soldiers with a palanquin and bearers, with
instructions to invite the sadhu respectfully and bring him to his
palace. He also said that if they did not succeed in bringing the
sadhu, they would be punished.
They came and saw the sadhu and
told him that the king had ordered them to bring him to the palace
and that he should come. When he showed disinclination to go
with them, they said that they would be punished if they returned
without him. So they begged of him to come, if only to save them
from trouble.
As he did not want them to get into trouble on his
account, he agreed to go with them. What was there for him to
pack up? A kaupeenam, a sheet and those three stones. He folded
and kept the kaupeenam in that sheet, kept those three stones also
in the sheet and tied them together. ‘What is this? This Swami is
bringing with him some stones when he is going to a Raja’s palace!
Is he mad or what?’ thought those soldiers.
Anyway, he got into the
palanquin with his bundle and came to the king. The Raja saw the
bundle, and thinking it contained some personal effects, took him into the
palace with due respect, feasted him properly and arranged
a tape cot with a mattress of silk cotton to sleep upon.
The sadhu
opened his bundle, took out the three stones, spread them on the
bed, covered himself with the sheet and slept as usual.
The next morning the king came, bowed to him with
respect and asked, “Swami, is it comfortable for you here?”
Swami: “Yes. What is there wanting here? I am always happy.”
King: “That is not it, Swami. You were experiencing
hardships in the forest by having to sleep on those stones. Here
this bed and this house must be giving you happiness. That is
why I am asking.”
Swami: “The bed that was there is here also. The bed that
is here is there also. So I have the same happiness everywhere.
There is nothing wanting at any time, either in regard to my
sleep or to my happiness.”
The king was puzzled and looked at the cot. He saw that the
three stones were on it. Whereupon, the king immediately prostrated
himself before the sadhu and said, “Oh great man! Without knowing
your greatness I brought you here with the intention of making you
happy. I did not know that you are always in a state of happiness, and
so I behaved in this foolish manner. Please excuse me and bless me.”
After making up for his mistake in this way, he allowed the sadhu to
go his way. This is the story of the sadhu.
“So, in the eyes of Mahatmas, the free life is the real happy
life?” asked that devotee. “What else? Life in big buildings like
this is like prison life. Only I may be an ‘A’ class prisoner. When
I sit on mattresses like these, I feel that I am sitting on prickly
pears. Where is peace and comfort?” said Bhagavan.
Next day that mattress was taken away and the usual mattress
was spread on the couch. Even so, several people thought that it
might be better to leave Bhagavan to a free life like that of the
sadhu. But Bhagavan had to stay there alone, like a parrot in the
cage of the devotees, because the devotees never leave him free. |
