Ramana Maharshi stories
Saint ApparAppar was born in a village called Tiruvamur in the Thirumunaipadi region of a Vellala family of Saivaites. His father’s name was Pugazhanar and mother’s name was Madiniyar. His parents named him Marul Neekkiyar. He had only one sister by name Tilakavati. As he grew up he became proficient in all branches
of knowledge. When Tilakavati was 12 years of age, the parents In the meantime
Pugazhanar passed away and his wife Madiniyar committed Sati.
The brother and sister were left alone. They awaited the return of
the commander, but after some time they heard that the
commander had died in the war. As she was anxious that her brother should live and prosper, As fate
would have it, he went there and joined the Samana cult (a Jain cult), was
given the title of Darmasena, and became the Head
of the Mutt, the Purohit of the Raja and the Poet Laureate of
the kingdom. He therefore stayed on there. One day Parameswara appeared to her in
a dream and said, “O Tapaswini, you can now give up your
mental agony. In his last birth, your brother was a sannyasi,
but did not perform tapas properly. There was a flaw in his
tapas. As a result of that, he has now joined that heretic
(Pashanda) cult. I shall now save him by making him suffer
from stomach ache. Give up your grief and relax.” She refused to give up her own dharma and go to the Samana Mutt. On hearing that, Dharmasena regretted his having given up his own dharma, namely Saivism, and without the knowledge of other people in the Mutt, left the Mutt at night, with two servants for his native place. When he tapped at the door and called his
sister, she recognised his voice and opened the door. He fell at
her feet and requested her to forgive him. She received him
with open arms and overjoyed at the kindness of Parameswara,
and after giving him holy ash, taught her brother the
Panchakshari Mantra. He smeared the holy ash all over his body
and repeated the mantra. After that, he took up Sannyasa and went on a pilgrimage singing his Padikams (containing 10 verses each). In due course he reached Chidambaram. After worshipping Nataraja there, and singing the Padikams, he went with his followers to nearby Sirkali. He had heard that Sambandar had become a saint by drinking the milk of the mother of the universe, Parvati, when he was a little child. Hearing that he was coming, Sambandar with his followers went out to meet him. As soon as they met, Marul Neekkiyar fell at the feet of Sambandar. The latter lifted him up with his hands with great affection, and as a show of respect, called him ‘Appah’. Appar immediately claimed that he was the Dasan (servant) of Sambandar. From that time onwards, Marul Neekkiyar came to be known as Appar. Subsequently both of them went together to the temple of After that, they went together to several temples and sang Padikams in praise of the Lord. You have already heard of Vedaranyam and the sovereigns. There are several other stories like that. After his contact with Appar, Sambandar went to Patalipuram, defeated the people of Samana Mutt by arguments and established Saivism. They always used to be together. |