Ramana Maharshi stories
1. Characteristics of a Jnani - Peace is Sole CriterionWhen asked about the characteristics of a jnani,
Bhagavan said, “They are described in books, such as the
Bhagavad Gita, but we must bear in mind that the jnani’s
state is one which transcends the mind. It cannot be described
by the mind. Only Silence can correctly describe this state
and its characteristics. Silence is more effective than speech.
From Silence came the ego, from the ego came thought, and
from thought came speech. So if speech is effective, how much Then, in this
connection Sri Bhagavan related the following story. The pandits raised the objection that a bharani was only composed in honour of great heroes capable of killing a thousand elephants, and that it was not in order to compose such a work in honour of an ascetic. Thereupon the author said, “Let
us all go to my guru and we shall have this matter settled there.” After three or four days like this, the guru moved his mind a bit, and thereupon the assembly regained their thought activity. They then declared, “Conquering a thousand elephants is nothing compared to the guru’s power to conquer the rutting elephants of all our egos put together. So certainly he deserves the bharani in his honour!”
Again Dharmaputra considered that the whole world was composed of people having some merit or other and that each of them was even better than he himself for some reason or other. Whereas Duryodhana could not find even a single good person in the world. Each reflects his own nature. |