Ramana Maharshi stories
The Lord (Jagannatha) Himself comesA new Tamil translation of Sankara’s Atmabodha with
a commentary was sent to the Ashram. After glancing
through it, Bhagavan sent it to the library. It was noticed
that Bhagavan did not seem pleased with the translation. Although Bhagavan
said, “Why, why?” he wrote some more saying, “though I
feel disinclined to compose more verses, one after another
comes and stands in front of me. What am I to do?” Muruganar
answered, “No one has written it in venba metre. What
surprise is there, if one verse after another occurs to
Bhagavan. It is said that in every kalpa the Vedas appeared
as though they were standing before Brahma. This also is
like that.” People who heard him were so impressed with the writing and with his discourses that his fame spread in all directions and people came in large numbers to hear him. His fame spread so far that Jagannatha Swami, the presiding deity of Puri, was eager to listen to him. So he started in the guise of a brahmin one day while the discourse was going on and entered the durbar hall of the king. After blessing the king, he said, “Sir, I
am a resident of Gokula Brindavan. I am a pandit well versed in
all sastras. I have been searching all the world over for someone
who could discuss the sastras with me on equal terms but so far I
have not found any one. I am therefore itching for a discussion. I
learned that Jayadeva was with you and so I came here. Where is
he?” and when the people pointed out Jayadeva to him, he said, Who wrote this?” With fear and devotion Jayadeva said, “Sir, I am not a pandit to hold discussions with you. I humbly seek the blessings of elders like you. Though I do not have the courage to say before you that, I wrote this book, still as it will be a fault not to tell you the truth, I admit that I am its author.” That brahmin pretended surprise and said, “What! If it is you So saying and without opening the book he began repeating the contents quickly, chapter by chapter. The king and the audience were amazed. Realising that Lord Jagannatha Himself had come in that form to shower his grace on him, Jayadeva prayed to him to reveal his real form (of Vishnu) with the conch, mace, chakra (discus) etc. Pleased with the stotras (prayers), Lord Jagannatha revealed Himself in the various forms in which Jayadeva had invoked Him in his stotras, blessed him and disappeared. |