Ramana Maharshi stories
Brahma's Pride
Maharshi :
A family came from a distant place to seek solace from
the grief of losing six sons; the last child had recently died. As
though Bhagavan had inspired the question, a devotee asked
about using pranayama and other practices to prolong life
to enable them to become realised souls, jnanis. Vishnu told him that was not so and that there were people who had lived much longer than he. When Brahma said that could not be, since he was the creator of all living beings, Vishnu took him with him to show him people older than him. They went along until, at a certain place, they found Romasa Mahamuni. Vishnu asked him his age and how long he expected to live. “Oho!” said Romasa, “you want to know my age? All right, listen then and I will tell you. This era (yuga) consists of so many thousands of years. All these years put together make one day and one night for Brahma. It is according to these calculations that Brahma’s life is limited to one hundred years. When one such Brahma dies, one of the hairs of my body falls out. Corresponding to such deaths as have already occurred, several of my hairs have fallen out, but many more remain. When all my hairs fall out, my life will be over and I shall die.” Very much surprised at that, they went on to
Mahamuni, an ascetic with eight distortions in his body. When |