Ramana Maharshi stories
Deliverance (Moksha) of a Thorn BushOne of the devotees who had heard of the verses written
by Bhagavan about the deliverance of Lakshmi, the cow,
approached Him and said, “Swami, we ourselves see that Hence, the dikshitars of the place became angry with him, especially since he was a learned man and knew all the precepts of the Hindu religion. They forbade him from living in the village or even visiting the temple. He therefore lived in a small hut built on a raised ground outside the village. A low caste man called Pethan Samban used to supply him with all that he required and also helped him in a general way. As things went on like this, one day, when Pethan was carrying on his head a bundle of firewood to the hut, Iswara Himself met him on the way in the guise of the dikshitar in charge of the temple. He wrote a verse on a palmyra leaf and gave it to him, telling him that it was to be handed over to Umapathi Sivacharya, and then disappeared. Pethan gave that verse to
Sivacharya, who, on opening it,
found in the first line itself the words, “Adiyarkkadiyen
Chitrambalavanan” (the servant of the devotees, the Lord of Immediately, he was overwhelmed with
devotion and a thrill passed through his body as he read the
letter. The gist of the verse was, “A note from Chidambaranathan,
the servant of the devotees, to the person who has set up a new
establishment, namely Sivacharya. It is your duty to give
initiation to this Pethan Samban regardless of caste and to the
surprise of all people.” When the king came there with his retinue to enquire into the complaint, Sivacharya showed the verse of Lord Nataraja and said that he gave initiation to Pethan and that Pethan vanished thereafter in the form of a divine light (jyoti). The king was surprised and asked Sivacharya if he could likewise give initiation and moksha to the thorn bush nearby. “Yes. What doubt, is there?” said Sivacharya. Accordingly he gave nayana diksha to that thorn bush and that too immediately disappeared in pure light (jyoti). The king was still more astonished at that and said, “This Sivacharya pointed out that there was a ban on his entering the temple. The king said that would not matter as he himself was accompanying Sivacharya. Accordingly they started for the temple together. Hearing all this, all the people – the pundits, the common people curious about the whole thing and enemies of Sivacharya who were sure he would be duly punished – flocked to the temple to see the strange sight. The
two entered the temple. Out of regard for the king, when The pundits were surprised and out of fear and remorse, fell at the feet of Sivacharya requesting him to pardon them for all their faults. They subsequently brought him back into the village with due honours. |