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- If I have an image about you and you have an
image about me, naturally we don't see each other at all as we actually
are. What we see is the images we have formed about each
other which prevent us from being in contact, and that is why our
relationships go wrong.
- Fear comes into being when I desire to be in a
particular pattern. To live without fear means to live without a
particular pattern. When I demand a particular way of living that in
itself is a source of fear. My difficulty is my desire to live in a
certain frame. Can I not break the frame? I can do so only when I see
the truth: that the frame is causing fear and that this fear is
strengthening the frame.
- Love cannot be thought about, love cannot be
cultivated, love cannot be practised. The practice of love, the practice
of brotherhood, is still within the field of the mind, therefore it is
not love. When all this has stopped, then love comes into being, then
you will know what it is to love. Then love is not quantitative but
qualitative. You do not say, ”I love the whole world” but when you know
how to love one, you know how to love the whole. Because we do not know
how to love one, our love of humanity is fictitious. When you love,
there is neither one nor many: there is only love. It is only when there
is love that all our problems can be solved and then we shall know its
bliss and its happiness.
- It is extremely difficult to be aware of
dullness, to be aware of greed, to be aware of ill will, ambition and so
on. The very fact of being aware of what is is truth. It is truth that
liberates, not your striving to be free. Thus reality is not far but we
place it far away because we try to use it as a means of selfcontinuity.
It is here, now, in the immediate. The eternal or the timeless is now
and the now cannot be understood by a man who is caught in the net of
time. To free thought from time demands action, but the mind is lazy, it
is slothful, and therefore ever creates other hindrances.
It is only possible by right meditation, which means complete action,
not a continuous action, and complete action can only be understood when
the mind comprehends the process of continuity, which is memory - not
the factual but the psychological memory. As long as memory functions,
the mind cannot understand what is. But one’s mind, one’s whole being,
becomes extraordinarily creative, passively alert, when one understands
the significance of ending, because in ending there is renewal, while in
there is death, there is decay.
- Simplicity is action, without idea. But that
is a very rare thing; that means creativeness.So long as there is not
creation, we are centres of mischief, misery and destruction. Simplicity
is not a thing which you can pursue and experience. Simplicity comes, as
a flower opens at the right moment, when each one understands the whole
process of existence and relationship. Because we have never thought
about it, observed it, we are not aware of it; we value all the outer
forms of few possessions but those are not simplicity. Simplicity is not
to be found; it does not lie as a choice
between the essential and the non-essential. It comes into being only
when the self is not; when the mind is not caught in speculations,
conclusions, beliefs, ideations. Such a free mind only can find truth.
Such a mind alone can receive that which is immeasurable, which is
unnameable; and that is simplicity.
- A mind which is desirous of a future
transformation or looks to transformation as an ultimate end, can never
find truth, for truth is a thing that must come from moment to moment,
must be discovered anew; there can be no discovery through accumulation.
How can you discover the new if you have the burden of the old? It is
only with the cessation of that burden that you discover the new.
To discover the new, the eternal, in the present, from moment to moment,
one needs an extraordinarily alert mind, a mind that is not seeking a
result, a mind that is not becoming. A mind that is becoming can never
know the full bliss of contentment; not the contentment of smug
satisfaction; not the contentment of an achieved result, but the
contentment that comes when the mind sees the truth in what is and the
false in what is. The perception of that truth is from moment to moment;
and that perception is delayed through verbalization of the moment.
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