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Jiddu Krishnamurti on Extra Sensory ExperiencesQuestion: People talk of experiences beyond the
senses. There seems to be a fascination in such experiences but the
lives of those who claim to have had them seem to be as mediocre as
before. What are these experiences? Are these experiences part of
enlightenment, or a step towards it? And if so, what is enlightenment?
Everywhere the speaker has been, there has always been this kind of question. You do not question how you will live in this world which is so corrupt, where there is no justice; and you are part of all that. Why do we not ask a really deep fundamental question about ourselves? Why is it we never ask: "I don't seem to have loved; I
know all the descriptions of love; I know when I say to my girl friend
or my wife, `I love you' - I know it is not love, it is sex, sensory
pleasure, desire, companionship; I know that all that is not that bloom
that flowers, that has beauty, that has creativeness"? But you ask about
enlightenment - why? Is it that you are frightened, that you cannot bear
to see what you are - the shoddiness, the ugliness, the pettiness, the
vulgarity, the mediocrity of it all? And, if you discover what you
actually are, you say please help me, tell me what to do. The father
figure comes into being then. We never, never under any circumstance face this thing; that is why there is no change in us. Life, the living of everyday, is a vast, tremendous, experience, with its joys, pleasures, anxieties, its burden of sorrow and injustice all around us; and the poverty, overpopulation, pollution; and the lack of energy in ourselves. Life is such a complex experience. Yet we are bored with it. We cannot face it. We do not
feel responsible for it. We separate ourselves from all this. That
separation is fallacious, unreal, irrational, because we are that, we
have created that, each one of us. We are part of all that and we do not
want to face it. So being bored, being exhausted by the trivialities of
life, we go and ask somebody, pay him, to initiate us, to give us a new
name, in the hope of having new experiences. |