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Jiddu Krishnamurti talk on LonelinessQuestion: I am beginning to realize that I am very
lonely. What am I to do? What do we mean by loneliness? it is a sense of being empty, of having nothing, of being extraordinarily uncertain, with no anchorage anywhere. It is not despair, nor hopelessness. but a sense of void, a sense of emptiness and a sense of frustration. I am sure we have all felt it, the happy and the unhappy, the very, very active and those who are addicted to knowledge. They all know this. It is the sense of real inexhaustible pain, a pain that cannot be covered up, though we do try to cover it up. Let us approach this problem again to see what is actually taking place, to see what you do when you feel lonely. You try to escape from your feeling of loneliness, you try to get on with a book, you follow some leader, or you go to a cinema, or you become socially very, very active, or you go and worship and pray, or you paint, or you write a poem about loneliness. That is what is actually taking place. Becoming aware
of loneliness, the pain of it, the extraordinary and fathomless fear of
it, you seek an escape and that escape becomes more important and
therefore your activities, your knowledge, your gods, your radios all
become important, don't they? When you give importance to secondary
values, they lead you to misery and chaos; the secondary values are
inevitably the sensate values; and modern civilization based on these
gives you this escape - escape through your job, your family, your name,
your studies, through painting etc; all our culture is based on that
escape. Our civilization is founded on it and that is a fact. We discover how to be active, how to be social; we know how to study, how to turn on the radio. We are filling that thing which we do not know with the things we know. We try to fill that emptiness with various kinds of knowledge, relationship or things. Is that not so? That is our process, that is our existence. Now when you realize what you are doing, do you still think you can fill that void? You have tried every means of filling this void of loneliness. Have you succeeded in filling it? You have tried
cinemas and you did not succeed and therefore you go after your gurus
and your books or you become very active socially. Have you succeeded in
filling it or have you merely covered it up? If you have merely covered
it up, it is still there; therefore it will come back. If you are able
to escape altogether then you are locked up in an asylum or you become
very, very dull. That is what is happening in the world. How then will you find what to do about this loneliness? You can only find what to do when you have stopped escaping. Is that not so? When you are willing to face what is - which means you must not turn on the radio, which means you must turn your back to civilization - then that loneliness comes to an end, because it is completely transformed. It is no longer loneliness. If you understand what is then what is is the real. Because the mind is continuously avoiding, escaping, refusing to see what is it creates its own hindrances. Because we have so many hindrances that are preventing us from seeing, we do not understand what is and therefore we are getting away from reality; all these hindrances have been created by the mind in order not to see what is. To see what is not only requires a great deal of capacity and awareness of action but it also means turning your back on everything that you have built up, your bank account, your name and everything that we call civilization. When you see what is, you will find how loneliness is transformed. Source: from Jiddu Krishnamurti Book "The First and last Freedom" |