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Question: We live but we do not know why. To so
many of us, life seems to have no meaning. Can you tell us the meaning and
purpose of our living?
Jiddu Krishnamurti: Now why do you ask this
question? Why are you asking me to tell you the meaning of life, the purpose
of life? What do we mean by life? Does life have a meaning, a purpose? Is
not living in itself its own purpose, its own meaning? Why do we want more?
Because we are so dissatisfied with our life, our life is so empty, so
tawdry, so monotonous, doing the same thing over and over again, we want
something more, something beyond that which we are doing.
Since our everyday life is so empty, so dull, so meaningless, so boring, so
intolerably stupid, we say life must have a fuller meaning and that is why
you ask this question. Surely a man who is living richly, a man who sees
things as they are and is content with what he has, is not confused; he is
clear, therefore he does not ask what is the purpose of life. For him the
very living is the beginning and the end. Our difficulty is that, since our
life is empty, we want to find a purpose to life and strive for it.
Such a purpose of life can only be mere intellection, without any reality;
when the purpose of life is pursued by a stupid, dull mind, by an empty
heart, that purpose will also be empty. Therefore our purpose is how to make
our life rich, not with money and all the rest of it but inwardly rich -
which is not something cryptic.
When you say that the purpose of life is to be happy, the purpose of life is
to find God, surely that desire to find God is an escape from life and your
God is merely a thing that is known. You can only make your way towards an
object which you know; if you build a staircase to the thing that you call
God, surely that is not God. Reality can be understood only in living, not
in escape.
When you seek a purpose of life, you are really escaping and not
understanding what life is. Life is relationship, life is action in
relationship; when I do not understand relationship, or when relationship is
confused, then I seek a fuller meaning. Why are our lives so empty? Why are
we so lonely, frustrated? Because we have never looked into ourselves and
understood ourselves. We never admit to ourselves that this life is all we
know and that it should therefore be understood fully and completely.
We prefer to run away from ourselves and that is why we seek the purpose of
life away from relationship. If we begin to understand action, which is our
relationship with people, with property, with beliefs and ideas, then we
will find that relationship itself brings its own reward. You do not have to
seek. It is like seeking love. Can you find love by seeking it? Love cannot
be cultivated. You will find love only in relationship, not outside
relationship, and it is because we have no love that we want a purpose of
life. When there is love, which is its own eternity, then there is no search
for God, because love is God.
It is because our minds are full of technicalities and superstitious
mutterings that our lives are so empty and that is why we seek a purpose
beyond ourselves. To find life's purpose we must go through the door of
ourselves; consciously or unconsciously we avoid facing things as they are
in themselves and so we want God to open for us a door which is beyond. This
question about the purpose of life is put only by those who do not love.
Love can be found only in action, which is relationship.
Source: from book "The First and Last Freedom" by Jiddu Krishnamurti
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