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- A man who would want peace and would want to
create a new world, a happy world, surely cannot isolate himself through
any form of belief.
- When you are aware, you see the whole process
of your thinking and action; but it can happen only when there is no
condemnation. When I condemn something, I do not understand it, and it
is one way of avoiding any kind of understanding.
- When you think of God, your God is the
projection of your own thought, the result of social influences. You can
think only of the known; you cannot think of the unknown, you cannot
concentrate on truth. The moment you think of the unknown, it is merely
the self-projected known. God or truth cannot be thought about. If you
think about it, it is not truth. Truth cannot be sought: it comes to
you. You can go only after what is known. When the mind is not tortured
by the known, by the effects of the known, then only can truth reveal
itself. Truth is in every leaf, in every tear; it is to be known from
moment to moment. No one can lead you to truth; and if anyone leads you,
it can only be to the known.
- Fear comes into being when I desire to be in a
particular pattern. To live without fear means to live without a
particular pattern. When I demand a particular way of living that in
itself is a source of fear. My difficulty is my desire to live in a
certain frame. Can I not break the frame? I can do so only when I see
the truth: that the frame is causing fear and that this fear is
strengthening the frame. If I say I must break the frame because I want
to be free of fear, then I am merely following another pattern which
will cause further fear.
Any action on my part based on the desire to break the frame
will only create another pattern, and therefore fear. How am I to break
the frame without causing fear, that is without any conscious or
unconscious action on my part with regard to it? This means that I must
not act, I must make no movement to break the frame. What happens to me
when I am simply looking at the frame without doing anything about it? I
see that the mind itself is the frame, the pattern; it lives in the
habitual pattern which it has created for itself. Therefore, the mind
itself is fear. Whatever the mind does goes towards strengthening an old
pattern or furthering a new one. This means that whatever the mind does
to get rid of fear causes fear.
- Knowledge is not going to solve our problems.
You may know, for example, that there is
reincarnation, that there is a continuity after
You may know, I don’t say you do; or you may
be convinced of it. But that does not solve the problem. Death cannot be
shelved by your theory, or by information, or by conviction. It is much
more mysterious, much deeper, much more creative than that.
- When you are
aware, you see the whole process
of your thinking and action; but it can happen only when there is no
condemnation. When I condemn something, I do not understand it, and it
is one way of avoiding any kind of understanding. I think most of us do
that purposely; we condemn immediately and we think we have understood.
If we do not condemn but regard it, are aware of it, then the content,
the significance of that action begins to open up. Experiment with this
and you will see for yourself. Just be aware - without any sense of
justification - which may appear rather negative but is not negative. On
the contrary, it has the quality of passivity which is direct action;
and you will discover this, if you experiment with it.
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