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- Truth is not something far away, miles away
for which we
have to go. It is there right under your very nose, to be discovered
every minute; it is there for you to discover with a fresh mind which is
- We are responsible not only to the world but
also responsible for ourselves, in what we do, what we think, how we
act, how we feel.
- What is important, surely, is to be aware
without choice, because choice brings about conflict. The chooser is in
confusion, therefore he chooses; if he is not in confusion, there is no
choice. Only the
person who is confused chooses what he shall do or shall not do. The man
who is clear and simple does not choose; what is, is. Action based on an
idea is obviously the action of choice and such
action is not liberating; on the contrary, it only creates further
resistance, further conflict, according to that conditioned thinking.
The important thing, therefore, is to be aware from moment to moment
without accumulating the experience which awareness brings; because, the
moment you accumulate, you are aware only
according to that accumulation, according to that pattern, according to
that experience. That is your awareness is conditioned by your
accumulation and therefore there is no longer observation but merely
translation. Where there is translation, there is choice, and choice
creates conflict; in conflict there can be no understanding.
- Your problem and my problem is to see whether
the mind can ever be free from desire, from sensation. Surely creation
has nothing to do with sensation; reality, God, or what you will, is not
a state which can be experienced as sensation. When you have an
experience, what happens? It has given you a certain sensation, a
feeling of elation or depression. Naturally, you try to avoid, put
aside, the state of depression; but if it is a joy, a feeling of
elation, you pursue it.
Your experience has produced a pleasurable sensation and you want more
of it; and the ‘more’ strengthens the dead centre of the mind, which is
ever craving further experience. Hence the mind cannot experience
anything new, it is incapable of experiencing anything new, because its
approach is always through memory, through recognition; and that which
is recognized through memory is not truth, creation, reality. Such a
mind cannot experience reality; it can only experience sensation, and
creation is not
sensation, it is something that is everlastingly new from moment to
- Relationship, surely, is the mirror in which
you discover yourself. Without relationship you are not; to be is to be
related; to be related is existence. You exist only in relationship;
otherwise you do not exist, existence has no meaning. It is not because
you think you are that you come into existence. You exist because you
are related; and it is the lack of understanding of relationship that
causes conflict.
- Relationship is a process of self-revelation,
and, without knowing oneself, the ways of one’s own mind and heart,
merely to establish an outward order, a system, a cunning formula, has
very little
meaning. What is important is to understand oneself in relationship with
another. Then relationship becomes not a process of isolation but a
movement in which you discover your own motives, your
own thoughts, your own pursuits; and that very discovery is the
beginning of liberation, the beginning of transformation.
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