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- One of the major causes of fear is that we do
not want to face
ourselves as we are.
- The quiet mind is not possible through the use
of any drug or through the repetition of words; you can reduce it to
dullness, but it is not quiet.
- How then will you find what to do about this
loneliness? You can only find what to do when you have stopped escaping.
Is that not so? When you are willing to face what is - which means you
must not turn on the radio, which means you must turn your back to
civilization - then that loneliness comes to an end, because it is
completely transformed. It is no longer loneliness. If you understand
what is then what is is the real.
Because the mind is continuously avoiding, escaping, refusing to see
what is it creates its own hindrances. Because we have so many
hindrances that are preventing us from seeing, we do not understand what
is and therefore we are getting away from reality; all these hindrances
have been created by the mind in order not to see what is. To see what
is not only requires a great deal of capacity and awareness of action
but it also means turning your back on everything that you have built
up, your bank account, your name and everything that we call
civilization. When you see what is, you will find how loneliness is
Awareness is entirely different. Awareness is observation without
condemnation. Awareness brings understanding, because there is no
condemnation or identification but silent observation. If I want
to understand something, I must observe, I must not criticize, I must
not condemn, I must not pursue it as pleasure or avoid it as
non-pleasure. There must merely be the silent observation of a fact.
There is no end in view but awareness of everything as it arises. That
observation and the understanding of that observation cease when there
is condemnation, identification, or justification. Introspection is
self-improvement and therefore introspection is self-centredness.
Awareness is not self-improvement. On the contrary, it is the ending of
the self, of the ’I’, with all its peculiar idiosyncrasies, memories,
demands and pursuits. In introspection there is identification and
condemnation. In awareness there is no condemnation or identification;
therefore there is no self-improvement. There is a vast difference
between the two.
- Therefore introspection and awareness are
entirely different. Introspection leads to frustration, to further
conflict, for in it is implied the desire for change and change is
merely a modified continuity. Awareness is a state in which there is no
condemnation, no justification or identification, and therefore there is
understanding; in that state of passive, alert awareness there is
neither the experiencer nor the experienced.
- Relationship is sought where there is mutual
satisfaction, gratification; when you do not find that satisfaction you
change relationship; either you divorce or you remain together but seek
gratification elsewhere or else you move from one relationship to
another till you find what you seek - which is satisfaction,
gratification, and a sense of self-protection and comfort. After all,
that is our relationship in the world, and it is thus in fact.
Relationship is sought where there can be security, where you as
an individual can live in a state of security, in a state of
gratification, in a state of ignorance - all of which always creates
conflict, does it not? If you do not satisfy me and I am seeking
satisfaction, naturally there must be conflict, because we are both
seeking security in each other; when that security becomes uncertain you
become jealous, you become violent, you become possessive and so on. So
relationship invariably results in possession in condemnation, in
self-assertive demands for security, for comfort and for gratification,
and in that there is naturally no love.
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