Meher Baba Quotes
- God is beyond understanding. The moment
you think you understand God you misunderstand him. You miss him
when you try to understand him.
- One has to go beyond the mind to
experience the spiritual bliss of desirelessness.
- Be brave, be happy. I and you are one. And
the Infinite that eternally belongs to me will one day belong to
every individual.
- By sharing the work of the Master the
disciple comes closer to him and becomes an integral part of his
consciousness. Serving the Master is the quickest means of realising
- Desire for nothing except desirelessness.
Hope for nothing except to rise above all hopes. Want nothing and
you will have everything.
- Start learning to love God by loving those
whom you cannot love. The more you remember others with kindness and
generosity, the more you forget yourself, and when you completely
forget yourself, you find God.
- So long for one thing; be restless for one
thing; long and wait for one thing that will kill the million other
longings. Long for union with the Beloved.
- Whether man knows it or not, there is for
him only one aim in life, and eventually he realizes this when he
consciously experiences his own eternal and infinite state of "I Am
- The masses who try to attain the Truth by
following rites and rituals are, as it were, in the goods train
which is detained indefinitely at various stations. Those who
sincerely and devotedly meditate on God or dedicate their lives to
the service of humanity are, as it were, in the ordinary train which
stops at every station according to the time-table. But those who
seek the company of the Truth-realized Master and carry out his
orders in full surrenderance and faith are, as it were, in a special
train which will take them to the goal in the shortest possible
time, without halts at intermediate stations.
- Those who cleanse their hearts of the
embittering poison of selfishness, hate and greed shall find God as
their own true Self. When you find and realize God, the problem of
selfishness and its numerous expressions melts away like mist before
the sun. In God and as God, all life reveals itself as being really
one and indivisible, and all separateness created by identification
with human or sub-human forms is seen to be illusory.
- From the spiritual point of view, there is
nothing more pitiable than slavish submission to the desires and
demands of the physical body. Because of its incessant claims on the
attention of the mind, the physical body often becomes a hindrance
to real life; it is like a cage to the soul. But the soul cannot
find its real freedom by putting an end to the physical body. The
physical body itself has to be intelligently used and made to
subserve spiritual ends. What is the use of a body which resists the
dictates of the mind? It is no use clinging to the comforts of the
body, which one day must be given up. It is only an instrument, and
one should make the maximum use of it.
Meher Baba Quotes -
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