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    Meher Baba Quotes

  1. If you do wrong, think Baba is doing wrong. If you get a pain, think it is Baba having a pain. If you do all this sincerely, you will know something and forget yourself and do all for Baba.
  2. One who lives for himself is truly dead and one who dies for God is truly alive.
  3. In the spiritual life there is no room for compromise.
  4. The infinite truth latent in everything reveals itself only when life is accepted in its totality.
  5. True bliss can come only to one who would take courage in his hands, and become free of all attachment to forms which are nothing but the illusions of duality. Only then can he get united with his true Beloved, who is God the eternal and the abiding truth within all forms, including his own body.
  6. The only Real Love is the love for this infinity (God), which arouses intense longing to see, know, and become one with its truth (God).
  7. As long as man remains ignorant of his divine Self he may as well be a stone; a man lives and a stone exists, and both remain equally ignorant
    of the Truth. As Kabir says, while man cannot achieve TRUTH he is no better than a stone.
  8. As long as the human mind does not directly experience Ultimate Reality as it is, it is baffled in every attempt to explain the origin and the purpose of creation.
  9. Selfishness and lust for power tend to drag man towards brutality, which he has inherited from his evolutionary ancestry or acquired during erroneous searching through his incarnations. But there is within man the inextinguishable light of Truth, because he is essentially divine in origin and being.
  10. Even the highest human love is subject to the limitations of individual nature; Divine love arises after the disappearance of the individual mind and is free from the trammels of individual nature. In human love the duality of lover and beloved persists; but in divine love the lover and the beloved are one. The lover has slipped out of the domain of duality and become one with God; for divine love is God.
  11. The Master is the very source of purity and to set one's heart on the Master is beginning of self-purification. When the disciple has whole-hearted devotion for the Master, he is opening himself for the reception of the Divine Love which the Master pours on him: and all his weaknesses are consumed in this fire of Divine Love of which he thus becomes the recipient.
  12. The sorrow of death, on closer analysis, turns out to be rooted in selfishness. The person, who loses his beloved may intellectually know that life, as a whole, has elsewhere compensated for the loss; but his only feeling is, What is that to me? Death becomes a cause of unending sorrow, when a man looks at it from his own personal point of view; from the point of view of life in general, it is an episode of minor importance.

Meher Baba Quotes - Quotes2, Quotes3, Quotes4, Quotes5, Quotes6, Quotes7, Quotes8, Quotes9