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    Meher Baba Quotes

  1. External silence helps the inner silence and only in internal silence is Baba found, in profound inner silence. I am never silent. I speak eternally. The voice that is heard deep within the soul is my voice.
  2. You are infinite. You are really everywhere: but you think you
    are the body, and therefore consider yourself limited. If you look within and experience your own soul in its true nature, you will realize that you are infinite and beyond all creation.
  3. The real untouchables are those who will not enter the heart's temple and see the Lord within.
  4. The only Real Existence is that of the One and only God, who is the Self in every (finite) self.
  5. When service is rendered in a selfless spirit, it always benefits the karmayogin although he himself does not do it for the sake of any reward or result.
  6. To love one soul is like adding its life to your own; your life is, as it were, multiplied and you virtually live in two centres. If you love the whole world, you vicariously live in the whole world.
  7. Open your heart by weeding out all desires and by harbouring only one longing—the longing for union with the Ultimate Reality. The Ultimate Reality is not to be sought in the changing things of external environment, but in one's own being.
  8. I am the ancient one, the one residing in every heart. Therefore, love others, make others happy, serve others even at discomfort to yourself; this is to love me.
  9. The Truth of divine life is not a hope but a reality. It is the only reality, and all else is illusion. Have faith and you will be redeemed. Have love and you will conquer the lower and limited self of cravings that veil your own true being as God.
  10. The entire life of the personal ego is continually in the grip of wanting, i. e., an attempt to seek fulfilment of desires through things that change and vanish. But there can be no real fulfilment through the transient things.
  11. If you look within and experience your own soul in its true nature, you would realize that you are infinite and beyond all creation. But you identify yourself with the body, and this false identification is due to ignorance which makes itself effective through the medium of the mind.
  12. The only Real Knowledge is the knowledge that God is the inner dweller in good people and so-called bad, in saint and so-called sinner. This knowledge requires you to help all equally as circumstances demand, without expectation of reward, and when compelled to take part in a dispute, to act without the slightest trace of enmity or hatred; to try to make others happy with brotherly or sisterly feeling for each one; to harm no one in thought, word, or deed, not even those who harm you.

Meher Baba Quotes - Quotes2, Quotes3, Quotes4, Quotes5, Quotes6, Quotes7, Quotes8, Quotes9