Meher Baba Quotes
- What happened yesterday? Nothing. What
will happen tomorrow? Nothing. All happens now . . . the eternal NOW
from the beginningless beginning to the endless end.
- Divine desperateness is the beginning of
spiritual awakening because it gives rise to the aspiration for God-realisation.
- True love is no game of the faint-hearted
and the weak; it is born of strength and understanding.
- The way to remain free from karma is to
remain completely detached in service.
- The Master helps the seeker in his own
invincible ways, which have no parallel in the ways of the world.
But if the aspirant is to be the recipient of this help, he must
make a real effort to surrender himself to the Divine will of the
- Before Karma is created, the individual
has a sort of freedom to choose what it shall be; but after it has
been accomplished, it becomes a factor, which cannot be ignored and
which has either to be expended through the results, which it
invites, or counter-acted by fresh and appropriate Karma.
- The intellect of most persons is harnessed
by innumerable wants. Such a life is, from the spiritual point of
view the lowest type of human existence. The highest type of human
existence is free from all wants; and it is characterised by
sufficiency or contentment.
- Spiritual freedom is won by one's self for
one's self, through watchful and unfailing war against the false
self. Those who would be soldiers in the cause of truth have to help
others not only in launching upon the thrilling enterprise of
attaining victory over oneself, but also in every step they take
towards attainment; there is no other way of sharing their burden.
- The only Real Renunciation is that which
abandons, in the midst of worldly duties, all sefish thoughts and
- Only in the human form is it possible for
life to attain its final goal, which is to realize the all-pervading
and infinite Divinity. Only in the human body can one attain
realization and fulfill the purpose of creation. Hence the supreme
importance of attaining the human body.
- The satisfaction derived from the fleeting
things of life is not lasting; and the wants of man remain
unfulfilled. There is thus a general sense of dissatisfaction
accompanied by all kinds of worries.
- All over the world, man buries himself in
egoism and multicolored attachments to the false, depriving himself
of the intrinsic and self-sustained happiness that does not wane. He
seeks happiness through the perishing and transitional, and invites
upon himself the sufferings of closed consciousness. One must
contact the ocean of unfading bliss within, and be free of the
limiting duality of "I" and "you," to unveil the perennial spring of
imperishable sweetness which is within each and all.
Meher Baba Quotes -
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