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    Meher Baba Quotes

  1. My message always has been and always will be of Divine Love. Let the world know it.
  2. God is infinite honesty. To love God you must be honest.
  3. Life and love are inseparable from each other. Where there is life, there is love.
  4. Special importance is attached to meditating in holy places or the spots, where the Masters have themselves lived or meditated.
  5. Love is nothing if it is not spontaneous. It cannot be a conclusion of reasoning. It is not a fruit of the spirit of bargain. If you want to be certain about the object of love before giving your love, it is only a form of calculating selfishness.
  6. You are infinite. You are really everywhere. But you think that you are the body, and therefore consider yourself limited. If you think you are the body which is sitting, you do not know your true nature.
  7. Renunciation of desires does not mean asceticism or a negative attitude to life. . . Without avoiding contact with the different aspects of life, maintain complete detachment in the midst of intense activity.
  8. Divine love makes us true to ourselves and to others. . . Divine love is the solution to our difficulties and problems. It frees us from every kind of binding. It makes us speak truly, think truly, and act truly. It makes us feel one with the whole universe. Divine love purifies our hearts and glorifies our being.
  9. Individuals are as drops in the ocean. As each drop is identical with the ocean, the soul, which is individualized, is still the One Being and does not really become separate.
  10. The faith of the disciple must always be securely grounded on his experience of the divinity of the Master. He must not be like a straw carried anywhere by the slightest breeze; he should be like a rock which remains unmoved in the severest of storms.
  11. Those who cleanse their hearts of the embittering poison of selfishness, hate, and greed find God as their own true self. The truth of divine life is not a hope but a reality, all else is illusion. Have faith and you will be redeemed. Have love and you will conquer the limited self of cravings that veil your own true being as God.
  12. It is through the connection between cause and effect in the world of values that the moral order of the universe is sustained. If the laws of Karma were to be subject to any relaxation, there would be no moral order in the universe; and without moral order human existence would be impossible.

Meher Baba Quotes - Quotes2, Quotes3, Quotes4, Quotes5, Quotes6, Quotes7, Quotes8, Quotes9