Meher Baba Quotes
- God cannot be explained... God can only be
- He who works for me does not oblige me,
for he works for his own self.
- If you experience that same longing and
thirst for Union with Me as one who has been lying for days in the
hot sun of the Sahara experiences for the longing for water, then
you will realize Me.
- The love which the aspirant has for the
Master is really the response evoked by the greater love which the
Master has for the aspirant; and it is to be placed above all other
- Aggression must be met with resistance,
and non-violence of the brave is possible only for advanced souls,
who have through rigorous discipline eradicated from their minds all
forms of greed and hate. But so far as people in general are
concerned, it is undesirable to ask them to observe the external
formula of non-violence when it is their clear duty to resist
aggression in self-defence or in the defence of weaker brothers.
General insistence upon non-violence can only lead to people
becoming cowardly, irresponsible, and inert, putting the
responsibility upon others.
- God and love are identical, and one who
has divine love has received God.
- The reaching out towards spiritual freedom
is throughout accompanied by a sense of effort, which persists until
all false perceptions are overcome.
- Selfless service is accomplished when
there is not the slightest thought of reward or result, and when
there is complete disregard of one's own comfort or convenience or
the possibility of being misunderstood.
- It is your right to be happy and yet you
create your own un-happiness by wanting things. Wanting is the
source of per-petual restlessness. If you do not get the thing you
wanted, you are disappointed. And if you get, you want more and more
of it and become unhappy.
- Spiritual freedom is freedom from all
wanting. . . When the soul breaks asunder the shackles of wanting,
it is emancipated from bondage to body, mind, and ego. This freedom
brings realization of the unity of all life and puts an end to all
doubts and worries.
- IN ACTUALITY, God is not far from the
seeker, nor is it impossible to see Him. He is like the sun, which
is ever shining right above you. It is you who have held over your
head the umbrella of your variegated mental impressions which hide
Him from your view. You have only to remove the umbrella and the Sun
is there for you to see. It does not have to be brought there from
anywhere. But such a tiny and trivial thing as an umbrella can
deprive you of the sight of such a stupendous fact as the Sun.
Meher Baba Quotes -
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