Meher Baba Quotes
- Love God sincerely and he will reveal
himself . . , sacrifice everything at the altar of this supreme
love, you will realize the Beloved within you.
- Sincere penance does not consist in
perpetuating grief for the wrongs, but in resolving to avoid in
future those deeds which call forth remorse.
- Spiritual workers are necessarily
confronted with many obstacles; but obstacles are meant to be
overcome, even if insuperable do your best irrespective of results
and consequences.
- The one important thing is to realize the
divine life and to help others to realize it by manifesting it in
everyday life. To penetrate into the essence of all being and to
release the fragrance of that inner attainment for the sake of the
guidance and benefit of others by expressing in the world of forms,
truth, love, purity, and beauty alone have intrinsic worth.
- God forgives everything except hypocrisy.
- People should go to saints because they
are genuinely interested in true spirituality and for no other
reason; it is only then that they derive greatest benefit out of
their contact with the saints.
- Ignorance in all its forms has to
disappear if the soul is to be established in self-knowledge;
therefore it is necessary for man to know that which is false, to
know it as false and to get rid of it.
- In sincere surrender to the Master, the
disciple comes very near to the stopping of the mind, which is the
goal of most yogic processes. In obeying the Master at any cost and
serving him selflessly, he nearly arrives at the culmination of the
Path of understanding and action. And in loving the Master above
everything else, be becomes one with the Master as Truth and thus
attains Godhood—the goal of all search and endeavor—through his
- Everyone is seeking happiness, but few
have it; for, lasting happiness dawns only when there is complete
freedom from wants. This highest state of non-wanting may outwardly
seem to imply inaction and easy of attainment. But, if anyone tries
just to sit quietly without inwardly wanting anything and with full
consciousness (i.e., without going to sleep), he will realize that
such a state of non-wanting is very difficult to attain and that it
can be sustained only through tremendous spiritual activity.
- God's nature as the ocean of love cannot
be grasped by the mind. God has to be known through love and not
through the intellectual search after miracles. That is the reason
why, for those who are closest and dearest to me, I do not perform
miracles. I would rather have no following than use miracles for
convincing others of my Divinity.
- Keep your mind quiet, steady and firm. Do
not submit to desires, but try to control them. One who cannot
restrain his tongue cannot restrain his mind; one who cannot
restrain his mind cannot restrain his action; one who cannot
restrain his actions cannot restrain himself; and one who cannot
restrain himself cannot attain his real Infinite Self.
Meher Baba Quotes -
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