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    Meher Baba Quotes

  1. Trust God completely and he will solve all difficulties. Faithfully leave everything to him and he will see to everything.
  2. The purpose of life is to realize God within ourselves. This can be done even whilst attending to our worldly duties. In the everyday walks of life and amidst activities, feel detached and dedicate your doings to our beloved God.
  3. If you experience the desperation that causes a man to commit suicide and you feel that you cannot live without seeing Me, then you will see Me.
  4. Complete self-surrender and unquestioning love become possible when the disciple comes to have an unswerving faith in the Master. Faith in the Master is an indispensable part of true discipleship.
  5. When you spread my eternal message of love to others, show them first that you really love me. Do not merely make them read my books and messages. Do more. Live such a life of love, sacrifice, forgiveness, and tolerance, that others will love me. If instead of doing the real work of love, you start doing organized propaganda work for me, it is absurd. I need no propaganda or publicity. I do not want propaganda and publicity, but I do want love and honesty. If you cannot live the life of love and honesty, you should stop working for me.
  6. The ideal prayer to the Lord is nothing more than spontaneous praise of his being. You praise him, not in the spirit of bargain but in the spirit of self-forgetfulness.
  7. GOD is infinite. He is beyond the opposites of good and bad, right and wrong, virtue and vice, birth and death, pleasures and suffering. Such dual aspects do not belong
    to God.
  8. Those who truly love me are my centres in the world. Let each `Baba Lover', wherever he or she may be, be a `Baba's Centre' personified, radiating the eternal message of love divine, living a life of love, sacrifice, and honesty.
  9. When the God-Man speaks, truth is more powerfully manifested than when he uses either sight or touch to convey it. For that reason Avatars usually observe a period of silence lasting for several years, breaking it to speak only when they wish to manifest the divine will, and world-wide transformation of consciousness then takes place.
  10. The silence which I have been observing for the past thirty-one years is a call from the silence of unfathomable Divinity. Invite that Divinity into your hearts so that you may become permanently established in the immortality of universal life, which is vastly different from the persistence of limited individual life. The ego life has a beginning and an end; the Truth which I bring is beginningless and endless. In order to inherit that Truth you need the courage to jump across the abyss of duality.
  11. The individual mind is the seat of the ego or the consciousness of being isolated. It creates the limited individuality, which at once feeds and is fed by the illusion of duality time and change. So, in order to know the self as it is, consciousness has to be completely freed from the limitation of the individual mind. In other words, the individual mind has to disappear but consciousness has to be retained.
  12. Even the slightest misuse of occult power has severe reaction and creates a binding for the soul. Sometimes, it may retard the progress of the aspirant and may even lead to a considerable set-back; and, apart from the spiritual ruin which the novice may invite upon himself, through indiscrete use of occult power, he is bound to be a source of incalculable harm to others, against whom he has succeeded in having a formidable advantage.

Meher Baba Quotes - Quotes2, Quotes3, Quotes4, Quotes5, Quotes6, Quotes7, Quotes8, Quotes9