Japuji Saheb - through
through listening occult
powers and saintliness are gained,
heaven and earth are made stable,
and the world and lower worlds revolve.
through listening death does not touch.
nanak says, through
listening devotees attain bliss,
and sin and sorrow are destroyed.
through listening vishnu, brahma and indra came into being,
the most sinful will sing his praises,
and the secrets of yoga
and mysteries of the body are revealed.
through listening all the scriptures and teachings are known.
nanak says, through
listening devotees attain bliss,
and sin and sorrow are destroyed.
through listening all truth and contentment are attained,
and the virtue of bathing at the
sixty-eight holy places is gained,
and through listening again and again honor is earned
through listening spontaneous meditation happens.
nanak says, through
listening devotees attain bliss,
and sin and sorrow are destroyed.
through listening the highest virtues are acquired,
sage, saint and king come into being,
and the blind find the path.
through listening the fathomless is fathomed.
nanak says, through
listening devotees attain bliss,
and sin and sorrow are destroyed. |