Japuji Saheb - through
the state of contemplation
cannot be expressed;
whoever attempts it will afterwards repent.
there is no paper, no pen, no writer,
that can penetrate such a state.
the name of the flawless
one is such
that only contemplating can know it.
through contemplation is remembrance born in mind and intellect, and
awareness of the universe acquired.
you cease to repent your
and gain freedom from the god of death.
the name of the flawless
one is such
that only contemplating can know it.
through contemplation the
path is cleared of all obstacles,
and a man departs with dignity and honor;
one is saved from wandering astray,
and connection to religion is established.
the name of the flawless
one is such
that only contemplating can know it.
through contemplation alone
the door to liberation is attained,
and the family can be saved;
through it the guru is delivered
and helps his disciples across;
they need no longer beg for alms.
the name of the flawless
one is such
that only contemplating can know it. |