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Japuji Saheb (Guru Nanak)

  1. He is Omkar

  2. By Divine Order

  3. He alone is everything

  4. he makes the worthless worthy

  5. through listening

  6. through contemplation

  7. you are the formless

  8. how shall i praise him

  9. he is supreme

  10. he is the greatest of the great

  11. he is the king of kings

  12. he cannot be described

  13. he is the true lord

  14. he is the primal being

  15. he is the true reality

  16. real power lies in his hands

  17. each is ranked by his glance

  18. he cannot be spoken of in words

  19. in the realm of truth the formless abides

  20. compassionate look



Japuji Saheb - he is the greatest of the great

there are millions of underworlds
and infinite skies above.
the vedas say millions have searched and searched,
only to end in exhaustion.
the holy books claim eighteen thousand worlds
but only one power behind all creation.

if anything could be written we would keep the account,
but all estimates are destructible.

nanak says, he is the greatest of the great.
he alone can know himself.
those who worship praise him,
but have no remembrance of him,
as rivers and streams know not the ocean
into whose vastness they fall.

even kings and emperors of great domains,
who possess enormous treasures,
cannot compare with the lowly ant
with remembrance of god in his heart.