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Japuji Saheb (Guru Nanak)

  1. He is Omkar

  2. By Divine Order

  3. He alone is everything

  4. he makes the worthless worthy

  5. through listening

  6. through contemplation

  7. you are the formless

  8. how shall i praise him

  9. he is supreme

  10. he is the greatest of the great

  11. he is the king of kings

  12. he cannot be described

  13. he is the true lord

  14. he is the primal being

  15. he is the true reality

  16. real power lies in his hands

  17. each is ranked by his glance

  18. he cannot be spoken of in words

  19. in the realm of truth the formless abides

  20. compassionate look



Japuji Saheb - he cannot be spoken of in words

the supreme law expresses the realm of religion.
now to understand the conditions of the realm of knowledge:
so many winds, waters, and fires;
so many krishnas and shivas;
so many brahmas,
so many of his creations of so many colors and forms;
so many fields of action and sacred mountains;
so many polar stars and so many sermons;
so many indras, and moons and suns,
and galaxies, and continents;
so many enlightened ones, and buddhas,
and masters, and goddesses;
so many gods and devils, and munis;
so many jewels, so many oceans;
so many species and tongues, so many kings and emperors;
so many remembrances, so many devotees;

nanak says, there is no end to it, no end.
knowing is the expression of the realm of knowledge.
there is music and mirth and frolic and bliss.
modesty is the expression of the realm of shame.
the experiences that take place are beautiful and incomparable.

he cannot be spoken of in words.
he who tries repents later.
memory, mind, understanding,
and intelligence are all formulated here;
and the consciousness of gods and enlightened ones.