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Japuji Saheb (Guru Nanak)

  1. He is Omkar

  2. By Divine Order

  3. He alone is everything

  4. he makes the worthless worthy

  5. through listening

  6. through contemplation

  7. you are the formless

  8. how shall i praise him

  9. he is supreme

  10. he is the greatest of the great

  11. he is the king of kings

  12. he cannot be described

  13. he is the true lord

  14. he is the primal being

  15. he is the true reality

  16. real power lies in his hands

  17. each is ranked by his glance

  18. he cannot be spoken of in words

  19. in the realm of truth the formless abides

  20. compassionate look



Japuji Saheb - He alone is everything

the lord is truth. truth is his name.
his praises are sung in endless ways.

even while praising they ask for more and more,
and the lord keeps on giving.
then what offering can
we make to gain a glimpse of his court?
and what language shall we speak to endear us to him?

nanak says, remember the true name and meditate on its glory in the ambrosial hour.
through your actions you receive this body,
and by his grace the door to salvation opens.

nanak says, know then his truth,
because he alone is everything.
he cannot be installed in any temple,
nor fashioned by any skill.
the faultless one exists unto himself.
those who serve him attain the glory.

nanak says, sing his praises, lord of all attributes.
sing and hear only of him; engrave him in your heart.
so banish sorrow and suffering, and make bliss your abode.
the guru's word is the sound of sounds, and the vedas too.
the lord abides in his words.

the guru is shiva, the destroyer;
the guru is vishnu, the sustainer;
the guru is brahma, the creator;
he is the trio of goddesses -- parvati, laxmi and saraswati.

however well i know him, he cannot be described.
he cannot be expressed by words.
the guru is the secret that solves the riddle.
he is the benefactor of all.
let me never forget him.