Japuji Saheb - he makes
the worthless worthy
if i have succeeded in
attaining his pleasure,
i have bathed in all the holy rivers.
and if i fail to please him,
why should i bathe and adorn myself?
in this whole created
nothing is attained without actions;
but he who listens to but one teaching of the guru,
his understanding becomes like a precious jewel.
he is the benefactor of all.
let me never forget him.
were you to live through
four ages,
or even ten times more,
were you known on all nine continents,
and were to gain universal following,
were you to earn fame and praise from all of mankind,
if you have not his grace, nothing will save you.
you are like the lowliest
even the worst of sinners may point the finger at you.
says nanak, he makes the
worthless worthy,
and showers the gifted with more gifts.
none but god can bestow such excellence. |