Japuji Saheb - one becomes
exalted by his compassionate look
wind is the guru;
water is the father;
the great earth is the mother;
night and day are midwife and groom;
and the whole world is playing with them.
good and bad deeds are read
out in his court by dharma,
and our own actions determine
whether we are near to him or far.
those who meditate on his
and labor sincerely earn merit;
their faces are radiant with success,
and many others are liberated by contact with them
self-restraint is the
patience is the goldsmith;
intellect is the anvil;
knowledge is the hammer;
fear is the bellows;
austerity is the fire;
feeling is the crucible
into which the nectar falls.
the coinage of the word is cast in the mint of truth.
only those receiving his
grace can succeed in it.
nanak says, one becomes exalted by his compassionate look |