Osho Active Meditations
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Question - How should one sit when practicing the
Technique? Osho -
You can sit in any position but it is better if you are standing. The eyes
should be closed and the
technique should be done on an empty stomach.
Then, in the third step, while still breathing intensely and allowing your body to do whatsoever it wants to do, begin to repeat the Sufi mantra – Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! – with no gaps between the sound. This must be done as vigorously as possible – so that you know you are not withholding any energy. Involve yourself totally. By and by, the repetition of the sound will become more and more vigorous, more and more intense. During the first step, the total attention must be on the breathing. And when you breathe deeply the second step will emerge as an outcome of the first: the body begins to move. You are not to relax even for a moment; continuous effort is to be there. Then relax into
the second stage, allowing
your body the freedom to express whatever has been held back in the past.
The body will begin to
move, to dance, etcetera, and soon you will begin to feel that you are
something separate from the
body. You will see the body weeping, laughing, crying so clearly that you
will not be able to identify
yourself with the one who is doing all this. You will see yourself jumping,
dancing: something is
happening mechanically. You will begin to see the body as a separate entity.
It is only when the Source - Osho Book "The Great Challenge" Note: Osho Dynamic Meditation Music Free Download
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