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Osho Kundalini Meditation
Known as the “sister meditation” to Dynamic,
with four stages of fifteen minutes each this method is a gentle yet
effective way to release all the accumulated stress of your day.
"...Allow the shaking, don’t do it. Stand silently, feel it coming, and when
your body starts a little trembling help it - but don’t do it. Enjoy it,
feel blissful about it, allow it, receive it, welcome it - but don’t will
it. If you force it, it will become an exercise, a bodily physical exercise.
Then the shaking will be there but just on the surface, it will not
penetrate you. You will remain solid, stone like, rock like within; you will
remain a manipulator, the doer, and the body will just be following. The
body is not the question - you are the question." - Osho
Meditation lasts for one hour and has four stages, three with
music, and the last without. The music has been composed under Osho's direct
guidance specially for this particular meditation.
Osho Kundalini Meditation
Steps :
First Stage: 15 minutes
Be loose and let your whole body shake, feeling the energies moving up from
your feet. Let go everywhere and become the shaking. Your eyes may be open
or closed.
“Allow the shaking; don’t do it. Stand silently, feel it coming and when
your body starts trembling, help it but don’t do it. Enjoy it, feel blissful
about it, allow it, receive it, welcome it, but don’t will it.
“If you force it will become an exercise, a bodily, physical exercise. Then
the shaking will be there but just on the surface; it will not penetrate
you. You will remain solid, stone-like, rock-like within. You will remain
the manipulator, the doer, and the body will just be following. The body is
not the question – you are the question.
“When I say shake, I mean your solidity, your rock-like being should shake
to the very foundations so that it becomes liquid, fluid, melts, flows. And
when the rock-like being becomes liquid, your body will follow. Then there
is no shake, only shaking. Then nobody is doing it; it is simply happening.
Then the doer is not.” OSHO
Second stage: 15 minutes
Dance . . . any way you feel, and let the whole body move as it wishes.
Again, your eyes can be open or closed.
Third stage: 15 minutes
Close your eyes and be still, sitting or standing . . . witnessing whatever
is happening inside and out.
Fourth stage: 15 minutes
Keep your eyes closed, lie down and be still.
Begin with shaking, then dancing, and end with stillness and silence, first
standing or sitting, then lying. This
is usually done in the
afternoon to let go of the accumulated stress of the day.
Related Article -
Osho guidance on Kundalini Meditation
Rajneesh insights on Osho Kundalini Meditation
