Osho Active Meditations
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Osho talks about some of the reactions that can happen in the body as a result of the deep catharsis of the Dynamic Meditation. Osho - If you feel pain, be attentive to it, don't do anything. Attention is the great sword - it cuts everything. You simply pay attention to the pain. For example, you are
sitting silently in the last part of the meditation, unmoving, and you feel
many problems in the body. You feel that the leg is going dead, there is
some itching in the hand, you feel that ants are creeping on the body. Many
times you have looked and there are no ants. The creeping is inside, not
outside. What should you do? You feel the leg is going dead? - be watchful,
just give your total attention to it. You feel itching? - don't scratch.
That will not help You just give your attention.
So what are you to do? You simply see the pain in the head, watch it. You be a watcher. You just forget that you are a doer, and by and by, everything will subside, and will subside so beautifully and so gracefully that you cannot believe unless you know it. Not only does the pain disappear from the head - because the energy which was creating pain, if watched disappears - the same energy becomes pleasure. The energy is the same. Pain or pleasure are two dimensions of the same energy. If you can remain silently sitting and paying attention to distractions, all distractions is appear. And when all distractions disappear, you will suddenly become aware that the whole body has disappeared. Osho has warned against turning this witnessing approach to pain into another fanaticism. If unpleasant physical symptoms - aches and pains or nausea - persist beyond three or four days of daily meditation, there is no need to be a masochist - seek medical advice. This applies to all Osho's meditation techniques. Note: Osho Dynamic Meditation Music Free Download
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