Osho Active Meditations
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Question -
The people who come to me for spiritual guidance are people of a
disciplined mind. How can people such as this practice dynamic meditation
with its explosive expression of emotions? Osho -
Such people cling to discipline, but the primary need of an unstill mind is
to be anarchic; only then
can it transcend itself. You can ordain discipline, but discipline is an
outward conditioning the inner
being remains the same. There will be anarchy within and discipline without:
anarchy remains in the
heart while the discipline forms a part of the cultivated personality. So
first let tension, confusion,
anarchy reach a climax. Then there will be an explosion, and discipline will
come as the result.
The anarchy within must be exploded. It should not be stilled or pushed down, it must he expressed in total intensity. Calmness, serenity, nirvana, come not by stilling the mind but by explosion. Then the stillness comes by itself; it is not a cultivated composure. You must express what you are totally. Of course, that will mean madness, because you are mad. If you allow yourself to express what is inside you, the madness will come out. You will feel strange about it: what will be expressed is something which is unknown even to you. But it is your expression the authentic expression of what is within you. So many things that must be expressed have been suppressed in the unconscious. They have been suppressed for centuries, through many past births. The anarchic being that is within each of us is unknown even to ourselves. It must come out, the ghost inside us must come out. And it can come out only when it is expressed expressed in total intensity from the innermost core of being. First one has to become mad in order to transcend ones inner madness. Let Dynamic Meditation be tried as an experiment by those who come to you. Tell them that the emphasis is not on believing it, but that they should do it, then they will know what happens. And things are bound to happen, because this madness that I am talking about is within everyone. Source - Osho Book "The Great Challenge"
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