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Osho on Half Hearted Effort in
Question - I
am trying to do the meditations, making an effort, But
the effort seems to be Half Hearted. How can I make it
YOURSELF. If you are jumping, dancing, screaming, you
are not moving totally in it because of some fear. That
fear creates a division. You are afraid that if you move
totally in it, it may not be possible for you to come
back. That is the fear. If you express your madness
wholeheartedly, the fear is there that you may not be
able to come back from the madness, that it may take
over, it may possess you. This fear creates a division.
The major part stays in control and only the minor part
is allowed to move. Then the movement becomes false
because it is just imposed. The major part is still in

Lose control! And don't
be afraid; fear is the barrier. The division comes
through fear. Then you go on protecting yourself and, at
the same time, allowing. Both are contradictory. And
because of this contradiction, your effort is wasted.
Energy is dissipated because you are fighting with
yourself. One part is expressing, another part is
controlling. You are contradictory, you are fighting. In
this inner fight, your energy is wasted.
Either move totally, or don't move.
Decide: "If I am going to do it, then I will get totally
involved. Otherwise, I'm not going to do it." But,
remain whole. And, I am here. If you cannot allow
yourself to lose control here, while I am working on
you, you will not be able to lose yourself totally when
you are at home. Don't be afraid to lose control because
I am here; I can help you in every way. And once you
know that when you let go totally, once you know the
bliss of it, the ecstasy of it even for a single
That total let-go will allow you to
have a glimpse of the real, and the glimpse will become
the foundation. You will never be afraid again. Once you
have moved to hell itself, to the very depths of
madness, and you have come back again, for the first
time you will be in control, never before. You were
never in control before, because the fear was always
there. The fear shows that you are not in control. Once
you have gone to the very roots of your being and have
returned back, you are in control. Now you no longer
have to be afraid. Remember this.
Use this camp more wisely. While I am
here watching you, observing you. you need not be
afraid. If you are afraid here, then back at home you
will not be able to let go. This is the last day, so be
in a total let-go. And I promise you, there is nothing
to fear. You are not going to lose anything by losing
yourself in it; you are simply going to gain.
You ale not going to lose anything
except your madness; you have nothing to lose.
Karl Marx has said somewhere that the proletariat have
nothing to lose but their chains. I would like to say
the same thing to you. Man has nothing to lose except
his chains, except his slavery, except his bondage,
except his misery and hell. You have nothing to lose;
don't be afraid. What have you got to lose? A naked man,
afraid of losing his clothes. What have you got to
Move wholeheartedly. Once you move
totally into the meditations there will be no problem.
Once you have experienced it, once you have tasted the
feeling -- the freedom, the ecstasy that comes when you
are in a total let-go -- the fear will disappear
forever. Only through freedom can the fear disappear.
And that freedom can come only to a man who is whole,
not divided in fragments.
Source - from Osho Book "The New
Alchemy : To Turn You On"
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