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Osho Zen Stories

  1. Drop all 'isms'
  2. Mind of a Sage
  3. Judging a saint
  4. The Fake Monk
  5. Rinzai's Answer
  6. Mystic Rengetsu
  7. Zen Master Sekito
  8. Zen Sage & Thief
  9. Zen Master in Jail
  10. Buddha’s message
  11. The Game of Chess
  12. Innocence is Divine
  13. Master's Compassion
  14. Knowledge is Trouble
  15. Respond with awareness
  16. Tetsugen 3 set of sutras
  17. You are already a Buddha
  18. Sound of one Hand Clapping
  19. Master waits 4 right Moment

Paul Reps 101 Zen Stories

  1. Stories 1 - 2
  2. Stories 3 - 4
  3. Stories 5 - 7
  4. Stories 8-9
  5. Stories 10
  6. Stories 11
  7. Stories 12-14
  8. Stories 15-16
  9. Stories 17-18
  10. Stories 19 - 21
  11. Stories 22 - 24
  12. Stories 25 - 27
  13. Stories 28 - 32
  14. Stories 33 - 36
  15. Stories 37 - 38
  16. Stories 39 - 41
  17. Stories 42 - 44
  18. Stories 45 - 46
  19. Stories 47 - 48
  20. Stories 49 - 50
  21. Stories 51 - 53
  22. Stories 54 - 56
  23. Stories 57 - 59
  24. Stories 60 - 61
  25. Stories 62 - 64
  26. Stories 65 - 66
  27. Stories 67 - 68
  28. Stories 69 - 72
  29. Stories 73 - 75
  30. Stories 76 - 78
  31. Stories 79 - 82
  32. Stories 83 - 86
  33. Stories 87 - 89
  34. Stories 90 - 91
  35. Stories 92 - 94
  36. Stories 95 - 97
  37. Stories 98 -101

65. The Subjugation of a Ghost

A young wife fell sick and was about to die. 'I love you so much,' she told her husband, 'I do not want to leave you. Do not go from me to any other woman. If you do, I will return as a ghost and cause you endless trouble.'

Soon the wife passed away. The husband respected her last wish for the first three months but then he met another woman and fell in love with her. They became engaged to be married.

Immediately after the engagement a ghost appeared every night to the man blaming him for not keeping his promise. The ghost was clever too. She told him exactly what had transpired between himself and his new sweetheart.

Whenever he gave his fiancée a present the ghost would describe it in detail She would even repeat conversations, and it so annoyed the man that he could not sleep. Someone advised him to take his problem to a Zen master who lived close to the village.

At length, in despair, the poor man went to him for help. 'Your former wife became a ghost and knows everything you do,' commented the master. 'Whatever you do or say, whatever you give your beloved she knows. She must be a very wise ghost. Really you should admire such a ghost. The next time she appears, bargain with her. Tell her she knows so much you can hide nothing from her, and that if she will answer you one question, you promise to break your engagement and remain single.'

'What is the question I must ask her?' inquired the man.
The master replied: Take a large handful of soybeans and ask her exactly how many beans you hold in your hand. If she cannot tell you, you will know she is only figment of your imagination and will trouble you no longer.'

The next night, when the ghost appeared the man flattered her and told her that she knew everything. 'Indeed,' replied the ghost, 'and I know you went to see that Zen master today.

'And since you know so much,' demanded the man, 'tell me how many beans I hold in this hand!'
There was no longer any ghost to answer the question.

66.Children of His Majesty

Yamaoka Tesshu was a tutor of the emperor. He was also a master of fencing and a profound student of Zen. His home was the abode of vagabonds. He had but one suit of clothes, for they kept him always poor.

The emperor, observing how worn his garments were, gave Yamaoka some money to buy new ones. The next rime Yamaoka appeared he wore the same old outfit.

'What became of the new clothes, Yamaoka?' asked the emperor.
'I provided clothes for the children of Your Majesty,' explained Yamaoka.