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Osho Zen Stories

  1. Drop all 'isms'
  2. Mind of a Sage
  3. Judging a saint
  4. The Fake Monk
  5. Rinzai's Answer
  6. Mystic Rengetsu
  7. Zen Master Sekito
  8. Zen Sage & Thief
  9. Zen Master in Jail
  10. Buddha’s message
  11. The Game of Chess
  12. Innocence is Divine
  13. Master's Compassion
  14. Knowledge is Trouble
  15. Respond with awareness
  16. Tetsugen 3 set of sutras
  17. You are already a Buddha
  18. Sound of one Hand Clapping
  19. Master waits 4 right Moment

Paul Reps 101 Zen Stories

  1. Stories 1 - 2
  2. Stories 3 - 4
  3. Stories 5 - 7
  4. Stories 8-9
  5. Stories 10
  6. Stories 11
  7. Stories 12-14
  8. Stories 15-16
  9. Stories 17-18
  10. Stories 19 - 21
  11. Stories 22 - 24
  12. Stories 25 - 27
  13. Stories 28 - 32
  14. Stories 33 - 36
  15. Stories 37 - 38
  16. Stories 39 - 41
  17. Stories 42 - 44
  18. Stories 45 - 46
  19. Stories 47 - 48
  20. Stories 49 - 50
  21. Stories 51 - 53
  22. Stories 54 - 56
  23. Stories 57 - 59
  24. Stories 60 - 61
  25. Stories 62 - 64
  26. Stories 65 - 66
  27. Stories 67 - 68
  28. Stories 69 - 72
  29. Stories 73 - 75
  30. Stories 76 - 78
  31. Stories 79 - 82
  32. Stories 83 - 86
  33. Stories 87 - 89
  34. Stories 90 - 91
  35. Stories 92 - 94
  36. Stories 95 - 97
  37. Stories 98 -101
Tetsugen and three set of sutras

This story is few centuries old when wooden blocks were used to preserve the holy words.

Tetsugen was a Great devotee of Zen in Japan and although he has left the body he is still very much alive in many hearts. During his time Sutras (Holy scripts) were available in Chinese language only.

Zen had started in china and from there it flourished more in Japan and now it is reaching to people all over the world. Tetsugen decided to print these Sutras (Holy scripts) in wooden blocks. It was a big project as 7000 wooden blocks were required.

Tetsugen himself did not have the money so he started traveling around the country and collecting the funds. Few people gave money lavishly but mostly people were miser in their donation but Tetsugen thanked each person from his heart full of gratitude. After 10 years Tetsugen had enough money to start publishing the Sutras.

Incidentally at the same time the river overflowed and many families were in distress. Tetsugen took the money he had collected for the project and used it to help the starving families.

Then again Tetsugen started collecting the money to raise the funds for the books. It took him several more years to collect the required fund. Incidentally this time an epidemic followed in the country. The generous Tetsugen again distributed the money he had collected to help the starving people.

Now for a third time Tetsugen again started collecting money. Finally after twenty years, his wish was fulfilled. He managed to print the Sutras in to wooden block.

The wooden blocks which were produced by Tetsugen are available at the Obaku monastery in Kyoto. The Japanese people tell their children that Tetsugen had made three sets of sutras and first two invisible sets of sutras surpass even the last.

Source: This story originally published in the book “Zen Flesh, Zen Bones”