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Osho Zen Stories

  1. Drop all 'isms'
  2. Mind of a Sage
  3. Judging a saint
  4. The Fake Monk
  5. Rinzai's Answer
  6. Mystic Rengetsu
  7. Zen Master Sekito
  8. Zen Sage & Thief
  9. Zen Master in Jail
  10. Buddha’s message
  11. The Game of Chess
  12. Innocence is Divine
  13. Master's Compassion
  14. Knowledge is Trouble
  15. Respond with awareness
  16. Tetsugen 3 set of sutras
  17. You are already a Buddha
  18. Sound of one Hand Clapping
  19. Master waits 4 right Moment

Paul Reps 101 Zen Stories

  1. Stories 1 - 2
  2. Stories 3 - 4
  3. Stories 5 - 7
  4. Stories 8-9
  5. Stories 10
  6. Stories 11
  7. Stories 12-14
  8. Stories 15-16
  9. Stories 17-18
  10. Stories 19 - 21
  11. Stories 22 - 24
  12. Stories 25 - 27
  13. Stories 28 - 32
  14. Stories 33 - 36
  15. Stories 37 - 38
  16. Stories 39 - 41
  17. Stories 42 - 44
  18. Stories 45 - 46
  19. Stories 47 - 48
  20. Stories 49 - 50
  21. Stories 51 - 53
  22. Stories 54 - 56
  23. Stories 57 - 59
  24. Stories 60 - 61
  25. Stories 62 - 64
  26. Stories 65 - 66
  27. Stories 67 - 68
  28. Stories 69 - 72
  29. Stories 73 - 75
  30. Stories 76 - 78
  31. Stories 79 - 82
  32. Stories 83 - 86
  33. Stories 87 - 89
  34. Stories 90 - 91
  35. Stories 92 - 94
  36. Stories 95 - 97
  37. Stories 98 -101

Zen Master Rinzai

Osho : One day the Zen monk Rinzai is speaking in a temple. He has gone into a sermon, but someone is disturbing him there. So Rinzai stops and asks, "What is the matter?" The man stands up and says, "What is soul?" Rinzai takes his staff and asks the people to give him way. The man begins to tremble. He never expected that such will be the answer.

Rinzai comes to him, takes hold of his neck with both hands and presses it. The man's eyes bulge out. He goes on pressing and asks, "Who are you? Close your eyes!" The man closes his eyes. Rinzai goes on asking, "Who are you?" The man opens his eyes and laughs and bows down. He says, "I know you have really answered what is soul."

Such a simple device! But the man was ready. Someone asks Rinzai, "Would you do the same thing when anybody asks?" He says, "That man was ready. He was not just asking for the question's sake, he was ready. The first part was fulfilled; he was really asking. This was a life and death question to him: `What is soul?' The first part was fulfilled completely. He was disillusioned completely of life, and he was asking, `What is soul?' This life has proved just a death to him; now he is asking, `What is life?' So no answer from me would have been meaningful. I helped him to just stand still in the present."

Of course, when someone presses your neck just on the verge of killing you, you cannot be in the future, you cannot be in the past. You will be here and now. It is dangerous to miss the moment. If you just say to such a man, "Go deep and know who you are," the man becomes transformed. He goes into samadhi; he stands still in the moment.

If you are in the present, even for a single moment, you have known, you have encountered, and you will never be able to lose the track again.

Spiritual feeling is to know what is -- what is all this. Not that, this. What is all this -- this me speaking, this you hearing, this whole? What is this? Just stand, be deep in this. Let it open to you, and let yourself open to it. Then there is a meeting. That meeting is the seeking.

That meeting is the whole search. That is why we have called it yoga. Yoga means meeting. The very word yoga means meeting -- joining again, becoming one once more. But so-called spiritual seekers are not seeking any spirituality. They are only projecting their desires in a new dimension. And no desire can be projected in this spiritual dimension, because this spiritual dimension is only open to those who are not desiring. So those who desire go on creating new illusions, new dreams.

Source: “I am the Gate” - Osho