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Buddha Dhammapada Stories

  1. Lustful Monk
  2. The Cloth Baby
  3. Innocent Monk
  4. Law of Kamma
  5. Wise Merchant
  6. Ungrateful Sons
  7. Selfish Rich Man
  8. Great Pretenders
  9. Abusive Brothers
  10. The Cruel Butcher
  11. Pregnant Bhikkhuni
  12. Fickle Minded Monk
  13. Unfortunate Hunter
  14. Self Pampered Monk
  15. The Wandering Mind
  16. Bhikkhu or Brahmana
  17. Diligent Do Not Sleep
  18. Lady and the Ogress
  19. Abandon Attachment
  20. Gisa Kotami dead Son
  21. Almsfood is Almsfood
  22. Mindfulness Means Life
  23. Impermanence of Beauty
  24. Monk Whose Body Stunk
  25. Power of Loving Kindness
  26. Scholar Monk and Arahat
  27. Practise What You Preach
  28. Courtesan and lustful Monk
  29. Father who became a Mother
  30. Angulimala Necklace of Fingers

Related Links

  1. Buddha Quotes
  2. Osho Dhammapada Books
  3. Gautam Buddha Teachings
  4. Buddha Vipassana Meditation

Dhammapada Stories - The Power of Loving Kindness

Newly Wed Uttara was not very happy in her new household, for although she loved to prepare almsfood for the Buddha and his disciples, she was too busy looking after the needs of her new husband to do so. She  complained to her father about it and he, feeling sorry for her, sent her some money.

Uttara then asked her husband if she could use it to hire a maidservant who would look after him while she used her own time to prepare almsfood for the Buddha and his monks. The husband agreed and a maidservant was employed.

One day, while Uttara was busily preparing food for one of her merit-making ceremonies, her husband happened to pass by the kitchen. Seeing his wife so happily engaged, he thought to himself, “What a foolish little woman! She should be enjoying herself instead of working so hard.”

And he smiled at her affectionately. When the maidservant saw his smile, she forgot that she was only a hired hand, and in a fit of jealousy, took a pot of hot boiling butter from the stove to pour over Uttara.

When Uttara realized what the maid was going to do, she made this resolution: “Let the butter scald me only if I bear any ill-will toward my maidservant.” But ill-will was far from the heart of Uttara. Instead, she felt only loving kindness and gratitude toward her maid, for Uttara realized that without her, she would not have been able to carry out all of her merit-making activities. Consequently, the hot butter simply rolled off Uttara’s body like drops of cold water.

When Uttara’s attendants realized what the maid had done, they seized her and started hitting her from all sides. Uttara immediately ordered them to stop. The maid then realized that she was in no position to be jealous of Uttara. Feeling ashamed, she asked Uttara for forgiveness.

Later when the Buddha learned what had happened, he praised Uttara for having conquered anger by loving kindness. He further instructed his listeners that abuse should be conquered by non-abuse, selfishness by generosity, and lying by speaking the truth.

Overcome anger through kindness, wickedness through goodness, selfishness through charity, and falsehood through truthfulness.