Buddha Dhammapada Stories
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Dhammapada Stories - The Diligent Do Not SleepPunna was a Slave Girl who often worked until very late at night. One day it was already nearly midnight when she had just finished pounding some rice for the next day’s meal. Tired, she stopped to rest for a while, and as she did, she noticed some monks who were on their way back to their monastery after listening to the Dhamma in a nearby forest.
She could not help but wonder what they could be doing
up so late. “I myself have to be up late because I am
poor and have to work hard,” she thought to herself,
“but what could monks be doing up at this time of the
night?” She had always wanted to make an offering to the Buddha but rarely had a chance. It seemed that when she did have something nice to offer him, the Buddha never came around, and when she did not have anything, she would see him. Although what she had was just a coarse pancake, she still wanted to offer it to the Buddha, and although she was truly afraid that he would not accept such unrefined food, she went ahead and offered it to him anyway.
To Punna’s surprise and joy, the Buddha not only humbly
accepted her pancake, but sat down in a suitable spot
and ate it right in front of her. After the Buddha had
eaten the pancake, Punna, still curious about the monks
she had seen the night before, asked the Buddha what
they could have been doing up at such a late hour.
The Buddha then went on to tell her that it did not
matter what position one had in life, be it king, slave,
or monk. What really mattered was that one never ceased
to be mindful and vigilant. Punna reflected on the
Buddha’s words and realized the |