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Diligent Do Not
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Buddha Quotes
Osho Dhammapada Books
Gautam Buddha
Buddha Vipassana
Once there was a Brahmin whose wife loved to praise and
speak kindly of the Buddha. He did not mind it at first,
but soon his wife’s increased fondness for
the Buddha caused him to become jealous.
One day he went to where the Buddha was staying, armed
with a question he thought would leave the Buddha
baffled and humiliated. In that way, he thought his wife
would realize how misplaced her admiration for the
Buddha was.
The husband asked the Buddha, “What do we have to kill
to be able to live happily and peacefully?” The Buddha’s
reply was simple but one that left the angry man
appeased and inspired. “To be able to live happily and
the Buddha replied, “one has to kill anger, for anger
itself kills happiness and peace.” The man reflected on
the Buddha’s answer and decided to become a bhikkhu
himself. Finally he became an arahat.
When the younger brother heard that his elder brother
had become a monk, he in turn became very angry. He went
and confronted the Buddha, abusing him badly. When he
had finished his string of abusive words, the Buddha
asked him, “If you offered some food to a guest who came
to your house, and the guest left without eating any of
it, who would the food belong to?”
The brahmin conceded that the food would belong to him.
The Buddha then said, “In the same way, I do not wish to
accept your abuse, so the abuse belongs to you.”
The man realized his mistake and felt great respect for
the Buddha because of the lesson he had taught him. He,
too, became a bhikkhu and later also attained
The bhikkhus remarked how wonderful it was that the
Buddha could make those who came to abuse him realize
the Dhamma and take refuge in him. The Buddha replied,
“Because I do not answer wrong with wrong, many have
come to take refuge in me.”
He who without anger endures abuse, beating and
punishment, and whose power of patience is like the
strength of an army, him do I call a holy man.
