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Buddha Dhammapada Stories

  1. Lustful Monk
  2. The Cloth Baby
  3. Innocent Monk
  4. Law of Kamma
  5. Wise Merchant
  6. Ungrateful Sons
  7. Selfish Rich Man
  8. Great Pretenders
  9. Abusive Brothers
  10. The Cruel Butcher
  11. Pregnant Bhikkhuni
  12. Fickle Minded Monk
  13. Unfortunate Hunter
  14. Self Pampered Monk
  15. The Wandering Mind
  16. Bhikkhu or Brahmana
  17. Diligent Do Not Sleep
  18. Lady and the Ogress
  19. Abandon Attachment
  20. Gisa Kotami dead Son
  21. Almsfood is Almsfood
  22. Mindfulness Means Life
  23. Impermanence of Beauty
  24. Monk Whose Body Stunk
  25. Power of Loving Kindness
  26. Scholar Monk and Arahat
  27. Practise What You Preach
  28. Courtesan and lustful Monk
  29. Father who became a Mother
  30. Angulimala Necklace of Fingers

Related Links

  1. Buddha Quotes
  2. Osho Dhammapada Books
  3. Gautam Buddha Teachings
  4. Buddha Vipassana Meditation


Dhammapada Stories -Abandon Attachment

Once a Wandering troupe of circus performers were in vited to the palace to perform for the king and his court. Among the troupe’s jugglers and acrobats was a charming young lady who danced with grace and agility on the top of a long pole.

One of the young men in the audience, named Uggasena, fell in love with her and even tually married her. Finally when it was time for the troupe to move on to another town, he and his new wife decided to move on with them.

Uggasena, himself, though, did not have any special talent that the troupe could use, and so was relegated to moving and packing crates, driving carts, and other menial tasks. This displeased his wife.

After some time, they had a son. One day, Uggasena could not help but overhear the lullaby his wife was singing to their child: “You poor child, your father can only carry boxes and drive carts. Your father is truly worthless.”

Thinking that his wife’s arrogance was due to her skill as an acrobat, he decided to become one himself. He asked his father-in-law to train him, and not long after, he was ready to perform. On the day of his performance, he climbed up his pole with facility, and once on top, did somersaults that left the audience gasping in horror but utterly delighted.

While he was performing, the Buddha happened to pass by and saw that Ugassena was ripe for arahatship. So he drew the audience’s attention away from Ugassena by his  will power and left him stranded on top of his pole with no applause. “My wife will laugh in my face,”

Uggasena thought, “if she finds out that the audience lost interest in my act even before I was half way through it?” Feeling distraught, he just sat on his pole and sulked. The Buddha then called up to him and said, “A wise man should work diligently toward abandoning all forms of attachment and thus be free from having to be born again.” Uggasena reflected on the Buddha’s words and attained arahatship while still sitting on top of his pole.

Give up the past, give up the future, give up the present. Having reached the end of existences, with a mind freed from all conditioned things, you will not again undergo birth and decay.