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  1. The Cloth Baby
  2. Innocent Monk
  3. Law of Kamma
  4. Wise Merchant
  5. Ungrateful Sons
  6. Selfish Rich Man
  7. Great Pretenders
  8. Abusive Brothers
  9. The Cruel Butcher
  10. Pregnant Bhikkhuni
  11. Fickle Minded Monk
  12. Unfortunate Hunter
  13. Self Pampered Monk
  14. The Wandering Mind
  15. Bhikkhu or Brahmana
  16. Diligent Do Not Sleep
  17. Lady and the Ogress
  18. Abandon Attachment
  19. Gisa Kotami dead Son
  20. Almsfood is Almsfood
  21. Mindfulness Means Life
  22. Impermanence of Beauty
  23. Monk Whose Body Stunk
  24. Power of Loving Kindness
  25. Scholar Monk and Arahat
  26. Practise What You Preach
  27. Courtesan and lustful Monk
  28. Father who became a Mother
  29. Angulimala Necklace of Fingers

Related Links

  1. Buddha Quotes
  2. Osho Dhammapada Books
  3. Gautam Buddha Teachings
  4. Buddha Vipassana Meditation

Dhammapada Stories - The Cruel Butcher

There was once a Butcher who was a very mean and wicked man. Never in his life had he ever done any meritorious deeds. His job was slaughtering pigs and he loved it, often torturing them mercilessly before putting them to death.

One day he got very sick and finally died, but before he died he suffered such agony that he crawled around on his hands and knees for days, squealing and grunting like a pig being slaughtered.

It so happened that the butcher’s home was within ear’s reach of the monastery where the Buddha and his monks were staying. When the bhikkhus heard the desperate squeals coming from his house, they assumed that the miserable butcher was at his cruel work again and shook their heads in great disapproval.

The squeals and grunts went on for several days until, one day, they stopped just as suddenly as they had begun. The monks could not help but remark to each other how wicked and hard-hearted the butcher was for having caused his poor animals so much pain and suffering.

The Buddha overheard what they were saying and said, “Bhikkhus, the butcher was not slaughtering his pigs. He was very ill and in such great pain that he was acting like the pigs he used to enjoy inflicting pain upon.

His bad kamma had finally caught up with him. Today he died and was reborn in a woeful state of existence.” The Buddha then exhorted his disciples to be alert at doing good, for anyone who did evil deeds would have to suffer for them. There was no way to escape from one’s evil deeds, he warned his disciples.

Here he grieves, hereafter he grieves. The evildoer grieves in both existences. He grieves and he suffers anguish when he remembers his impure deeds.