Chuang Tzu Stories
The Empty Boat
Means and ends
The Useless
Three in the Morning
The Owl and the Phoenix
The need to win
Three Friends
Chuang Tzu’s funeral
The Man of Tao
When the shoe fits
The Tower of the Spirit
Flight from the Shadow
Fighting Cock
Monkey Mountain
Symphony for a seabird
Autumn floods
The Turtle
Duke Hwan & the
Man is born in Tao
Chuang Tzu Story - The
Tower of the Spirit
The Spirit
has an impregnable tower
wich no danger can disturb
as long as the tower is guarded
by the invisible Protector
who acts unconsciously
and whose actions go astray
when they become deliberate
reflexive and intentional.
The unconscious
and entire sincerity of Tao
are disturbed by any effort
at self-conscious demonstration.
All such demonstrations are lies.
When one displays himself
in this amibiguous way
the world storms in
and imprisons him.
He is no longer protected
by the sincerity of Tao.
Each new actis a new failure.
If his acts are done in public,
in broad daylight,
he will be punished by men.
If they are done in private and in secret,
he will be punished by spirits.
Let each one understand the meaning of sincerity
and guard against display.
He will be at peace
with men and spirits
and will act rightly, unseen,
in his own solitude,
in the tower of his spirit. |
