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Kahlil Gibran - Wanderer

  1. The King
  2. Garments
  3. The Pearl
  4. The River
  5. The Frogs
  6. Love Song
  7. At the Fair
  8. Three Gifts
  9. The Statue
  10. The Dancer
  11. The Madman
  12. Field of Zaad
  13. Two Princess
  14. The Wanderer
  15. The Exchange
  16. Body and Soul
  17. Upon the Sand
  18. Peace and War
  19. Eagle and Skylark
  20. Hermit and Beasts
  21. Builders Of Bridges
  22. Laws & Law Giving
  23. Tears and Laughters
  24. Two Guardian Angels
  25. Yesterday and Today
  26. Prophet and The Child
  The Wanderer

I met him at the crossroads, a man with but a cloak and a staff, and a veil of pain upon his face. And we greeted one another, and I said to him, "Come to my house and be my guest." And he came.

My wife and my children met us at the threshold, and he smiled at them, and they loved his coming. Then we all sat together at the board and we were happy with the man for there was a silence and a mystery in him. And after supper we gathered to the fire and I asked him about his wanderings.

He told us many a tale that night and also the next day, but what I now record was born out of the bitterness of his days though he himself was kindly, and these tales are of the dust and patience of his road.

And when he left us after three days we did not feel that a guest had departed but rather that one of us was still out in the garden and had not yet come in.

The Philosopher and the Cobbler

There came to a cobbler's shop a philosopher with worn shoes. And the philosopher said to the cobbler, "Please mend my shoes."
And the cobbler said, "I am mending another man's shoes now, and there are still other shoes to patch before I can come to yours. But leave your shoes here, and wear this other pair today, and come tomorrow for your own."

Then the philosopher was indignant, and he said, "I wear no shoes that are not mine own."

And the cobbler said, "Well then, are you in truth a philosopher, and cannot enfold your feet with the shoes of another man? Upon this very street there is another cobbler who understands philosophers better than I do. Go you to him for mending."