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Kahlil Gibran - Wanderer

  1. The King
  2. Garments
  3. The Pearl
  4. The River
  5. The Frogs
  6. Love Song
  7. At the Fair
  8. Three Gifts
  9. The Statue
  10. The Dancer
  11. The Madman
  12. Field of Zaad
  13. Two Princess
  14. The Wanderer
  15. The Exchange
  16. Body and Soul
  17. Upon the Sand
  18. Peace and War
  19. Eagle and Skylark
  20. Hermit and Beasts
  21. Builders Of Bridges
  22. Laws & Law Giving
  23. Tears and Laughters
  24. Two Guardian Angels
  25. Yesterday and Today
  26. Prophet and The Child

Once upon a crossroad a poor Poet met a rich Stupid, and they conversed. And all that they said revealed but their discontent.
Then the Angel of the Road passed by, and he laid his hand upon the shoulder of the two men.
And behold, a miracle: The two men had now exchanged their possessions.
And they parted. But strange to relate, the Poet looked and found naught in his hand but dry moving sand; and the Stupid closed his eyes and felt naught but moving cloud in his heart.


A woman said unto a man, "I love you." And the man said, "It is in my heart to be worthy of your love."
Ant he woman said, "You love me not?"
And the man only gazed upon her and said nothing.

Then the woman cried aloud, "I hate you."
And the man said, "Then it is also in my heart to be worthy of your hate."

The Hermit Prophet

Once there lived a hermit prophet, and thrice a moon he would go down to the great city and in the market places he would preach giving and sharing to the people. And he was eloquent, and his fame was upon the land.

Upon an evening three men came to his hermitage and he greeted them. And they said, "You have been preaching giving and sharing, and you have sought to teach those who have much to give unto those who have little; and we doubt not that your fame has brought you riches.

Now come and give us of your riches, for we are in need."
And the hermit answered and said, "My friends, I have naught but this bed and this mat and this jug of water. Take them if it is in your desire. I have neither gold nor silver."

Then they looked down with distain upon him, and turned their faces from him, and the last man stood at the door for a moment, and said, "Oh, yoou cheat! You fraud! You teach and preach that which you yourself do not perform."