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Kahlil Gibran - Wanderer

  1. The King
  2. Garments
  3. The Pearl
  4. The River
  5. The Frogs
  6. Love Song
  7. At the Fair
  8. Three Gifts
  9. The Statue
  10. The Dancer
  11. The Madman
  12. Field of Zaad
  13. Two Princess
  14. The Wanderer
  15. The Exchange
  16. Body and Soul
  17. Upon the Sand
  18. Peace and War
  19. Eagle and Skylark
  20. Hermit and Beasts
  21. Builders Of Bridges
  22. Laws & Law Giving
  23. Tears and Laughters
  24. Two Guardian Angels
  25. Yesterday and Today
  26. Prophet and The Child
  The Two Guardian Angels

On an evening two angels met at the city gate, and they greeted one another, and they conversed. The one angel said, "What are you doing these days, and what work is given you?"
And the other answered, "It was been assigned me to be the guardian of a fallen man who lives down in the valley, a great sinner, most degraded. Let me assure you it is an important task, and I work hard."

The first fallen angel said, "That is an easy commission. I have often known sinners, and have been their guardian many a time. But it has now been assigned me to be the guardian of the good saint who lives in a bower out yonder. And I assure you that is an exceedingly difficult work, and most subtle."

Said the first angel, "This is but assumption. How can guarding a saint be harder than guarding a sinner?"
And the other answered, "What impertinence, to call me assumptious! I have stated but the truth. Methinks it is you who are assumptious!"

Then the angels wrangled and fought, first with words and then with fists and wings. While they were fighting an archangel came by. And he stopped them, and said, "Why do you fight? And what is it all about? Know you not that it is most unbecoming for guardian angels to fight at the city gate? Tell me, what is your disagreement?"

Then both angels spoke at once, each claiming that the work given him was the harder, and that he deserved the greater recognition.

The archangel shook his head and bethought him. Then he said, "My friends, I cannot say now which one of you has the greater claim upon honor and reward. But since the power is bestowed in me, therefore for peace' sake and for good guardianship, I give each of you the other's occupation, since each of you insists that the other's task is the easier one. Now go hence and be happy at your work."

The angels thus ordered went their ways. But each one looked backward with greater anger at the archangel. And in his heart each was saying, "Oh, these archangels! Every day they make life harder and still harder for us angels!"
But the archangel stood there, and once more he bethought him. And he said in his heart, "We have indeed, to be watchful and to keep guard over our guardian angels."